Datasets to PhD thesis: Assessing the Potential of Cirrus Cloud Thinning thro...
The provided dataset includes all relevant data to comprehend and reproduce the PhD work of Tobias Schorr with the title "Assessing the Potential of Cirrus Cloud Thinning... -
Data from Figures and Tables from Umo et al. (2019), Atmos. Chem. Phys.
Umo_et_al_Table_1.csv is the data from Table 1: Sources, specific surface areas, pore volume,and the mediandiameter of coal fly ash aerosol particles used in this study.... -
Umo et al. (2021), data to: The Influence of Chemical and Mineral Composition...
This data packages contains the data from Umo et al. (2021), The Influence of Chemical and Mineral Compositions on the Parameterization of Immersion Freezing by Volcanic Ash...