Copy of: Copy of: Dynammical studies of hydrogen sorption on pure and Pd coat...
Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is a wide band gap semiconductor that has a number of interesting applications especially its optoelectronic (blue and near UV light emitting properties, as a... -
Oxygen Vacancy Clusters in Pure and Doped CeO2-d
Oxide ceramics based on ceria, CeO2, have been the subject of considerable research for the role of solid electrolyte within solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), since their ionic... -
Vacancy clusters and local magnetic structure of wüstite, Fe(1-x)O
The nature and distribution of vacancy defects in wüstite, Fe(1-x)O, is an important problem because the structural and dynamical properties of the mineral - both of which are... -
The ground state of a Kondo ion: V dissolved in the noble metal Au.
The 'non-magnetic' ground state of a Kondo ion is generally believed to consist of the localised spin surrounded by a compensating cloud of conduction electrons coupled... -
Structure evolution of graphitic surface upon oxidation: insights by scanning...
Oxidation of graphitic materials has been studied for more than a century to synthesize materials such as graphene oxide, nanoporous graphene, and to cut or unzip carbon...