240 datasets found

Keywords: co line emission

Filter Results
  • Composite CO Survey of the Milky Way

    This survey consists of CO(J=1-0) (115 GHz) spectra for the entire Galactic plane. The latitude coverage varies with longitude and in some regions extends from -25 degrees to...
  • CO Observations of Galaxies

    The catalog is a complete summary of all observations of CO isotopes in galaxies up to spring 1984. It consists of seven tables. Refs.dat describes the reference for CO...
  • CO Radial Velocities Toward Galactic H II Regions

    The catalog contains machine-readable versions of the "Catalog of CO Radial Velocities Toward Galactic HII Regions" (Blitz et al. 1982) and the "Catalog of Carbon Monoxide...
  • CO clouds in the Galactic Center from NANTEN

    In order to better understand molecular clouds and their properties toward the Galactic center region, we have analyzed the NANTEN database of ^12^CO (J=1-0) and ^13^CO (J=1-0)...
  • CO molecular clouds in Carina flare supershell

    We present a catalogue of ^12^CO(J=1-0) and ^13^CO(J=1-0) molecular clouds in the spatio-velocity range of the Carina Flare supershell, GSH287+04-17. The data cover a region of...
  • 13CO survey of Mon & CMa molecular clouds

    Through a large-scale 13^CO (J=1-0) survey toward a region in Monoceros and Canis Major, we have identified in total 115 clouds. Cone search capability for table...
  • CO catalog of LMC molecular clouds

    From a ^12^CO (J=1-0) survey with the NANTEN telescope, we present a complete catalog of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. In total, 107 CO clouds...
  • M120.1+3.0 molecular cloud CO observations

    We present large-scale (2{deg}x2{deg}) observations toward the molecular cloud M120.1+3.0, using ^12^CO, ^13^CO and C^18^O (J=1-0) data from the Purple Mountain Observatory...
  • SSEDIGISM-ATLASGAL in Galactic disc

    By combining two surveys covering a large fraction of the molecular material in the Galactic disc, we investigate the role spiral arms play in the star formation process. We...
  • CO J=2-1 NOEMA observations of mu Cep

    Red supergiant stars are surrounded by a gaseous and dusty circumstellar environment created by their mass loss which spreads heavy elements into the interstellar medium. The...
  • Molecular gas distribution and star formation

    We study the spatially resolved star formation history (SFH) and molecular gas distribution of 58 nearby galaxies, using integral field spectroscopy from the CALIFA survey and...
  • 78 Stripe82 galaxies masses

    We present a cross-calibration of CO- and dust-based molecular gas masses at z<=0.2. Our results are based on a survey with the IRAM 30-m telescope collecting CO(1-0)...
  • CO, C & O gas content of debris discs predictions

    This paper uses observations of dusty debris discs, including a growing number of gas detections in these systems, to test our understanding of the origin and evolution of this...
  • Ophiuchus molecular cloud CO observations

    CO, ^13^CO, and C^18^O J=3-2 observations are presented of the Ophiuchus molecular cloud. The ^13^CO and C^18^O emission is dominated by the Oph A clump, and the Oph B1, B2, C,...
  • ALMA obs. of 11 massive & luminous clumps protoclusters

    The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Survey of Star Formation and Evolution in Massive Protoclusters with Blue Profiles (ASSEMBLE) aims to investigate the...
  • CO obs. of molecular clouds in the 3rd Gal. quadrant

    We present the results of an unbiased 12CO/13CO/C18O (J=1-0) survey in a portion of the third Galactic quadrant (TGQ): 219.75{deg}<=l<=229.75{deg} and...
  • C^18^O dense cores in Orion A molecular cloud

    The mass distribution of dense cores is a potential key to understanding the process of star formation. Applying dendrogram analysis to the CARMA-NRO Orion C^18^O (J=1-0) data,...
  • Column density maps for MWISP ^13^CO mol. clouds

    We have obtained column density maps for an unbiased sample of 120 molecular clouds in the third quadrant of the Milky Way midplane (b<=|5|{deg}) within the Galactic...
  • High-velocity dispersion compact clouds in the CMZ

    This study developed an automated identification procedure for compact clouds with broad velocity widths in the spectral-line data cubes of highly crowded regions. The procedure...
  • PHANGS-ALMA: arcsecond CO(2-1) imaging of galaxies

    We present PHANGS-ALMA, the first survey to map CO J=2-1 line emission at ~1" ~100pc spatial resolution from a representative sample of 90 nearby (d<~20Mpc) galaxies that lie...
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