Calcareous microfossils index events of Holes 302-M0003A and 302-M0004C
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Silicoflagellates index events of Holes 302-M0002A and 302-M0004A
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Dinoflagellate cysts and organic microfossils index events of Holes 302-M0002...
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Table S45 - Combined magnetostratigraphy for the Ypresian from ODP Sites 207-...
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Table S35 - Calcareous Nannofossil Events ODP Site 207-1258
Note: & - this study, # - Sexton et al. 2011, B = Base, T = Top, Bc = Base common occurence, Tc = Top common occurence, Br = Base rare occurence, X=crossover. -
Table S24 - Calcareous Nannofossil Events ODP Site 208-1267
Note: * - ship, # - Sexton et al. 2011, B = Base, T = Top. -
Table S33 - Calcareous Nannofossil Events ODP Site 208-1265
Note: * - ship, & - this study, B = Base, T = Top, Bc = Base common occurence, Tc = Top common occurence, Br = Base rare occurrence. -
Table S31 - Calcareous Nannofossil Events ODP Site 208-1262
Note: * - ship, # - Agnini et al. 2007, B = Base, T = Top, Bc = Base common occurence, Tc = Top common occurence, Br = Base rare occurence, X=crossover. -
Table S28 - Magnetostratigraphy ODP Site 208-1265
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Table S26 - Magnetostratigraphy ODP Site 208-1262
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(Table S16) Magnetochron boundary positions and their astronomically tuned age
Note: Magnetochron boundary position for Site U1333 are based U-Channel VGP data (Tab.S17-19) plotted on the adjusted rmcd (revised m CCSF-A) (Westerhold et al. 2012).... -
(Table T1) Correlations between marker beds and drill holes for ODP Leg 171B ...
More than 50 discrete volcanic ash layers were recovered at the five drill sites of the Blake Nose depth transect (Leg 171B, western central Atlantic). The majority of these ash... -
Diatoms index events of Hole 302-M0004A
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