Intact polar lipid fatty acids carbon isotopic composition of sediment core Y...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_7 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Affixoid Dataset (DE)
The dataset contains the manual annotations for the COLING 2018 submission "Distinguishing affixoid formations from compounds" by Josef Ruppenhofer, Michael Wiegand, Rebecca... -
Annotation of metabolites produced by bacteria isolated from the mesopelagic ...
Putative annotation of metabolites produced by the Psychrobacter sp. SU143, Psychrobacter sp. SU137, Shewanella sp. SU126 and Polaribacter sp. SU124 in the liquid and solid... -
Spatial distribution patterns of ascidians (Ascidiacea: Tunicata) on the cont...
Empty cells represent missing values -
Norwegian compounds and their Russian equivalents
This post contains the dataset discussed in two related publications: Nesset, Tore (2018a): When a single word is enough: Norwegian compounds and their Russian counterparts.... -
Affixoid Dataset (DE)
The dataset contains the manual annotations for the COLING 2018 submission "Distinguishing affixoid formations from compounds" by Josef Ruppenhofer, Michael Wiegand, Rebecca... -
Inelastic neutron scattering from H_2 in binary clathrate hydrates
The proposing team is interested in exploring the rotational and translational dynamics of molecular hydrogen trapped in water-based cages (clathrate hydrates). These systems... -
Structure and stoichiometry in new nitride catalysts; anion mobility, chemica...
Our studies focus on the use of Co3Mo3N (331) as a catalyst in ammonia synthesis. During synthesis, N is lost and the compound is transformed to the new nitride Co6Mo6N (661); a... -
Investigation of the new spin-ladder compound MgCu2O3
Here we propose to investigate the excitation spectrum of the new spin-ladder compound MgCu2O3. Unlike typical spin-ladders this compound has a rung coupling that is much weaker... -
Magnetism in a charge doped cuprate chain
We have recently succeeded in measuring the excitation spectrum of charge doped cuprate chains with a 90 degree Cu-O-Cu bonding geometry. This study resolved a long standing... -
4f electronic states of the filled skutterudite compound PrFe4Sb12 synthesize...
Crystals of the filled skutterudite PrFe4Sb12 with the 73~87% Pr-site filling fractions prepared under ambient pressure show some magnetic ordering around 5 K and their... -
Investigation of giant crystal electric field (CEF) splitting in CeIr3Si2
CeIr3Si2 exhibits highly anisotropic bulk properties with two magnetic transitions at TN1 ~ 3.9 K and TN2 ~ 3.1 K. The overall CEF splitting of the J=5/2 ground multiplet of... -
Time reversal symmetry breaking in superconducting PrOs4Sb12 and its alloys
In 2005 we carried out muon spin relaxation (muSR) experiments in Pr(Os1-xRux)4Sb12 alloys at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, to investigate the time-reversal symmetry breaking found in... -
Q dependence of the low energy magnetic fluctuations in Intermediate Valence ...
A strong Q-dependence of the magnetic response at characteristic energy of EK~kBTK (TK is a Kondo temperature) has been observed in recent inelastic neutron scattering studies... -
Investigation of spin-glass behaviour in the cubic compound PrRhSn3 using muSR
Recently we have investigated the cubic compound PrRhSn3 using the dc and ac susceptibilities and the heat capacity. We found an evidence for the cluster-glass behavior with a... -
Structures of phenol-ammonia and phenol-water compounds
Phenol-water and phenol-ammonia clusters are useful model systems for understanding the types of proton-transfer interactions that occur during photosynthesis in plants and... -
CrTe3 629
This dataset has no description
Copy of: Magnetic properties of the new Kagome-like compound francisite Cu3Bi...
We propose to study the newly synthesized compound Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Cl, related to the mineral francisite, using neutron diffraction for the first time. This compound is a new... -
Musr study of non-Fermi-liquid behaviour in the layered quasi-2D compound: Ce...
: Recently it has been reported from specific heat, resistivity, and susceptibility measurements that CeRh2Ga exhibits very interesting NFL behaviour. The specific heat divided... -
Shear controlled crystallisation of low molar mass compound in a polymer matrix
The aim of this experiment is to explore a very recent discovery made by ourselves that shear flow can suppress the nucleation and growth of crystals of specific low molar mass...