Composition and abundance of fish assemblages across Yonge Reef, northern Gre...
This dataset gathers the names of 325 species of fish as well as their trophic category (8), habitat (9), abundance category (6) and minimum abundance (minimum number of... -
Wild damselfish microbiomes
This study investigates the bacterial communities (microbiome) of damselfishes collected in the Great Barrier Reef. Wild damselfish representing 10 species (Abudefduf... -
Xestospongia muta Raw sequence reads
The giant barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta represents a foundation and ecologically important species of Caribbean coral reefs. In April 2012 an outbreak of Sponge Orange Band... -
Earth Microbiome Project Multi-omics (EMP500)
The Earth Microbiome Project Multi-omics component (EMP500) involves amplicon and shotgun metagenomic sequencing and metabolomic profiling of over five hundred microbial... -
Florida reef
Describe the microbial community of Cinachyrella sponges and surrounding seawater from South Florida -
Marine sponge metagenomes Metagenome
Metagenomic sequencing of marine sponge microbial communities to identify common features of sponge symbionts. Most data sequenced as part of the Earth microbiome Project (EMP).... -
Sponge microbiome stability
A key concept in theoretical ecology is the positive correlation between biodiversity and ecosystem stability. To test the relationship between diversity and community stability... -
Montipora capitata isolate:Colony #1 Genome sequencing and assembly
The rice coral Montipora capitata is widely distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific, and comprises one of the most important reef-building species in the Hawaiian Islands. The... -
coral mucus microbiome Raw sequence reads
The grazing activity by specific marine organisms represents a growing threat to the survival of many scleractinian species. For example, the recent proliferation of the... -
3D multi-omic profiling of an assemblage of Hawaiian corals
Samples were taken from species Porities lobata, Montipora capitata, Montipora flabellata and subjected to 16S sequencing for bacterial profiling and LC-MS/MS for metabolomic... -
Coral microbiomes demonstrate flexibility and resilience through a reduction ...
This submission include the 16S amplicon sequencing data associated with coral microbiomes during a thermal stress event for publication under the same title in Frontiers in... -
Bac_Sponge Targeted Locus (Loci)
Comparison of the microbial community in the abnormal and healthy sponge tissues from the Red Sea. -
Sponge associated Microflora Transcriptome or Gene expression
The project was aimed at metatranscriptome analysis of sponge, Amphimedon sp, to understand the functional role symbiotic microorganisms. -
Platygyra daedalea Genome sequencing and assembly
The raw data of P. daedalea -
Symbiodiniaceae diversity of giant clam species in Dongsha Atoll, South China...
Investigation of Symbiodiniaceae diversity and composition in two giant clam species using DNA metabarcoding approach of nuclear ribosomal ITS-2 marker -
Acanthaster cf. solaris Raw sequence reads
Investigation of microbiomes in tissues of healthy and diseased crown-of-thorns seastar, Acanthaster cf. solaris (Acanthaster species complex). -
Molecular diversity and assemblages of coral symbionts (Symbiodiniaceae) in d...
The scleractinian coral-associated symbionian algae Symbiodiniaceae plays an important role in bleaching tolerance and coral resilience. In this study, coral-associated... -
Acropora aspera virome from Heron island, Australia
Previous studies of coral viruses have employed either microscopy or metagenomics, but few have attempted to comprehensively link the presence of a virus-like particle (VLP) to... -
Stony coral tissue loss disease microbiomes
Metagenomes of Montastraea cavernosa coral microbiomes during a disease transmission experiment -
Cold water coral aquarium microbiome
A study on the dynamics of bacterial communities associated to two cold water coral species, Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata, maintained in captivity