Mindfulness Effects on Anxiety: Disentangling the Role of Decentering and Tre...
This publication package contains all study files relevant for the publication. Language: English, with qualitative data in Dutch. -
Psihološki profil pandemije COVID-19 v Srbiji, 2020
Hiter odziv prebivalstva in upoštevanje preventivnih ukrepov sta dva od najučinkovitejših načinov omejevanja širjenja okužb v zgodnjih fazah epidemije. Raziskava govori o tem,... -
COVID-19 in turizem, 2020
Raziskava ponuja dojemanje dogajanja Slovencev v zgodovinsko posebnem trenutku – takoj ob začetku epidemije COVID-19. Spletna anketa je bila izvedena za časa prvega zaprtja... -
Nivel Corona Cohort: a description of the cohort and methodology used for com...
A population-based COVID-19 cohort was set up in the Netherlands to gain comprehensive insight in the short- and long-term effects of COVID-19 in the general population. A... -
Socioeconomic Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Containment measures o...
These datasets contain the results of three surveys carried out in Paraguayan border cities (Asunción, Ciudad del Este and Encarnación) to inquire about the socioeconomic... -
Spirituality as a Buffer Between Negative Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic an...
This dataset contains the data, SPSS scripts, and documentary material. -
Time-lapse videos of pre-and post traffic calming scenarios on Mainkai
The data relates to the traffic calming study on northern Mainkai riverfront in 2019-20.