Russian pora ‘time’ vs. vremja ‘time’
In order to shed light on the distribution of the Russian nouns pora and vremja, both of which mean ‘time’, I created a database of examples of both nouns from the Russian... -
GER_SET: Situation Entity Type labelled corpus for German
Semantic clause types, also called Situation Entity (SE) types (Smith, 2003) are linguistic characterizations of aspectual properties shown to be useful for tasks like... -
Biber et al.'s (2016) set of 150 BNC items for the analysis of dispersion mea...
This dataset contains frequencies for a set of 150 word forms in the BNC. The set of items was compiled by Biber et al. (2016) for the purpose of analyzing the behavior of... -
Lithuanian Treebank ALKSNIS (2019-10-24)
ALKSNIS v3.0. ALKSNIS v3,0 consists of 3,643 syntactically annotated sentences in the PML (Prague Mark-up Language) format. The format allows researchers to visualise and edit... -
ORVELIT v3 (Lith.Originalios ir Vertimų Lietuvių Kalbos Tekstynas) is a comparable monolingual corpus of original and translated Lithuanian consisting of four sub-corpora of... -
Lithuanian morphologically annotated corpus - MATAS
MATAS v0.2 - Morphologically Annotated Lithuanian Corpus (manually checked) Contains 4 parts: Documents (21%), Fiction (19%), Periodicals (36%), Scientific texts (24%) Wordform... -
Corpus of the Contemporary Lithuanian Language
Corpus of the Contemporary Lithuanian Language, which comprises 208 million words, is a collection of texts designed to represent the current Lithuanian. The corpus has been... -
Corpus of Discourse on Crime
Specialised "Corpus of Discourse on Crime" is synchronic, monolingual, unannotated, consists of two subcorpora. Subcorpus 1: all texts on crime, published in criminal columns on... -
Lithuanian Coreference Corpus
Lithuanian Coreference Corpus The corpus is made out of 100 articles from news portals focusing on political news, as such texts are rich in quotations and named entity... -
DELFI.lt corpus
DELFI.lt is corpus made of articles published by news portal DELFI.lt since March 2014 till November 2016. Metadata was collected with articles as well: author, title, date,... -
English-Lithuanian Comparable Vaccination Corpus
Two news portals were selected for comparable corpora building: the Lithuanian portal DELFI and the English portal The Guardian. The compiled corpora comprise 135 Lithuanian... -
Lithuanian Corpus of the EU Primary and Secondary Law Acts of the Period 2015...
274,460 word corpus comprised of selected primary and secondary law acts of the EU of the period 2015-2017. The corpus was compiled of documents containing words with the root... -
Frequency lists of pivot words and GSE counts
The resource contains data used to estimate the amount of words in Lithuanian texts indexed by the selected Global Search Engines (GSE), namely Google (by Alphabet Inc.), Bing... -
Corpus of user-generated comments collected from two Lithuanian portals: www.delfi.lt and www.lrytas.lt Each comment is in a separate file (TXT). Each file contains: a comment,... -
Corpus KLASIUS v.02
900 extracts for the corpus were collected from manuals and publications for secondary school students included in the compulsory bibliographic descriptions of the university... -
Lithuanian Parliament Corpus for Authorship Attribution
23.9 m word Lithuanian Parliament corpus is specially designed for authorship attribution task. The corpus consists of 111 thousand samples of speech transcripts by 147... -
Lithuanian Treebank ALKSNIS
ALKSNIS v2.1 ALKSNIS v2.1 consists of 2,355 syntactically annotated sentences in the PML (Prague Mark-up Language) format. The format allows researchers to visualise and edit... -
English-French-Lithuanian Parallel Corpus of EU Financial Documents
The corpus is comprised of 154 EU legislative documents (English documents and their translations into French and Lithuanian) related to various financial issues and enacted in... -
Lithuanian morphologically annotated corpus - MATAS v3.0
MATAS corpus (version 3.0) DESCRIPTION Updated, manually checked, morphologically annotated corpus MATAS LANGUAGE Lithuanian PREVIOUS VERSIONS 1. MATAS v0.2... -
CorpoGrabber: The Toolchain to Automatic Acquiring and Extraction of the Website Content Jan Kocoń, Wroclaw University of Technology CorpoGrabber is a pipeline of tools to get...