Background data for: Advancing our understanding of dispersion measures in co...
Dataset description This dataset contains background data and supplementary material for Sönning (forthcoming), a study that looks at the behavior of dispersion measures when... -
Background data for: Some obstacles to replication in corpus linguistics
This dataset contains tabular files recording occurrences and frequencies of modal verbs in the Brown family corpora; nine modal verbs (can, could, may, might, must, shall,... -
Background data for: “I regret lying” VS. “I regret that I lied”: Variation i...
This dataset contains tabular files recording occurrences of the verb REGRET complemented by a that- or (S) -ing-complement clause (CC) in the GloWbE corpus. Tokens were... -
Background data for: Regional syntactic variability in the complementation sy...
This dataset contains tabular files recording occurrences of the verb REGRET complemented by a that- or -ing-complement clause (CC) in the GloWbE corpus. Tokens were retrieved... -
Background data for: Probabilistic variability in clausal verb complementatio...
This dataset contains tabular files recording occurrences of the verb REGRET in the GloWbE corpus. Tokens were retrieved using the online interface... -
Background data for: Negation as a predictor of clausal complement choice in ...
This dataset contains tabular files recording occurrences of the verb REGRET complemented by a finite or non-finite complement clause (CC) in the GloWbE corpus. Tokens were... -
Whatsapp corpus Verheijen
Whatsappdata collected for the PhD research of Lieke Verheijen (Radboud University). Informed consent only from contributor and not from conversational partner. Consequently,... -
Uuema eesti ilukirjanduse mitmikute loendid
Alates 01.01.2017 jõustus autoriõiguse seaduse muudatus, mis võimaldab digitaalse objekti töötlemist teksti- ja andmekaeve eesmärkidel tingimusel, et selline kasutamine ei... -
E-raamatute eeltöödeldud ja lemmatiseeritud failid
This dataset has no description
Whatsapp corpus Berntzen
Whatsapp conversations collected by master students Communication & Information Studies (2013-2014; 2014-2015). All participants in the conversations are over 18 and have signed... -
QLK Subkorpus Transstimmen
The sub-corpus "Transstimmen" is part of the project "QLK - Queerlinguistisches Korpus". This is a one-year pilot project funded by the Equal Opportunities... -
QLK Subkorpus CSD-Berichterstattung
The sub-corpus "CSD-Berichterstattung" is part of the project "QLK - Queerlinguistisches Korpus". This is a one-year pilot project funded by the Equal... -
QLK Subkorpus Queere Tiere
The sub-corpus "Queere Tiere" is part of the project "QLK - Queerlinguistisches Korpus". This is a one-year pilot project funded by the Equal Opportunities... -
Background data for: Regression and random forests: Synergies for variationis...
This dataset contains tabular files recording occurrences of the verb REGRET complemented by a that- or -ing-complement clause (CC) in the GloWbE corpus. Tokens were retrieved... -
Data on Terminological Semantic Variation between the (US and British) Press ...
The data set contains three spreadsheets, two of them being displayed in one single Excel file. The first file, entitled « Cosine_Similarity_UN-Press », represents the cosine... -
Aufweichen, abbremsen, abschirmen – Wirtschaftsmetaphern zwischen politischer...
Our study examines the use of metaphors in the German discourse regarding European monetary and fiscal policy. Though this policy area sparked considerable interest among... -
Background data (adapted from Jenset & McGillivray 2017) for: Down-sampling f...
Dataset description This dataset, which is adapted from Jenset and McGillivray (2017), contains tabular files documenting the alternating usage of -(e)th and -(e)s to mark... -
Replication data for: Big data in Russian linguistics? Another look at paucal...
This post contains a database of Russian numeral constructions from the RuTenTen corpus (https://www.sketchengine.co.uk/rutenten-russian-corpus/). The constructions are of the... -
Replication Data for: The decade construction rivalry in Russian: Using a cor...
This dataset contains 3 data files, 5 files with R code, and a short read-me file with documentation. The data files contain information about the development of two competing... -
Replication Data for: Zur Determiniererlosigkeit bei prädikativ verwendeten z...
This data set contains the replication data for the article "Zur Determiniererlosigkeit bei prädikativ verwendeten zählbaren Nomen im Deutschen: Korpusdaten und ihre...