100 minuuttia taidetta 2019: Taidepassi-kirjaukset
Tämä aineisto on koostettu 100 minuuttia taidetta -kampanjassa. Kampanjan tavoitteena oli lisätä taiteen ja kulttuurin merkitystä ihmisten elämässä sekä sosiaali- ja... -
Kahdeksasluokkalaisten kokemuksia Taidetestaajat-taidevierailuista 2018-2019
Aineistossa kahdeksasluokkalaiset kertovat mielipiteitään valtakunnallisen Taidetestaajat-hankkeen puitteissa koetuista taidevierailuista. Aineistoa on kerätty kymmenessä... -
Brittiläiset pelimusiikkimuistot -kirjoitusaineisto 2021
Aineisto koostuu 379 vapaamuotoisesta kirjoitusvastauksesta, joissa vastaajat kertovat pelaamiseen ja pelimusiikkiin liittyvistä muistoista ja kokemuksista. Aineisto on kerätty... -
A microfluidics-free centrifugally-driven nano-liquid pipetting system (CNPS)...
We developed a microfluidics-free centrifugally-driven nano-liquid pipetting system (CNPS) for single-cell whole genome amplification and tested it in several microorganisms. -
This study deals with 6 metagenomes of modified Winogradsky columns, enriched...
This study deals with the consequences of global change scenarious on stratified microbial communities of lake ecosystems -
Amphibian isolate sequencing
Whole genome sequences -
Regionale radio omroep Stad Amsterdam 1976-1978
Use and evaluation of mass-media and especially 'Stad Radio Amsterdam / interest and participation in politics / social and cultural life. Background variables: basic... -
Built Environments, Constructed Societies
Archaeology, as the discipline that searches to explain the development of society by means of material remains, has been avoiding the big issues involved with its research... -
Gemeente-enquete Ede 1997 - VSO
Er is een nieuwe versie van deze dataset beschikbaar, zie het veld 'Relations'. De bestanden van de verouderde versie zijn niet meer te downloaden. Opinion of inhabitants of Ede... -
Inwoners enquete Eindhoven 1999 - VSO
Survey among inhabitants of Eindhoven, autumn 1999. Liveability and safety / drugs / health / events / concert hall / dogshit / satisfaction about contacts by telephone with... -
Stadspanelonderzoek Dordrecht maart 1998 - VSO
Opinion of inhabitants of Dordrecht, concerning several aspects of living in Dordrecht, and the municipal policy Opinion about, experiences with, town guards - 'stadswachten'... -
Stadspeiling Venlo 1996 - VSO : Woon- en leefklimaat
Survey among inhabitants of Venlo housing and living conditions Appreciate living in Venlo atmosphere, safety, infrastructure, housing, work environment, mentality, social... -
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1996 - CV'96
Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of the Dutch population regarding a wide range of topics. Most important in the Netherlands / environmental issues /... -
Stadspanel Arnhem 2000 - VSO
Survey among inhabitants of the city of Arnhem Municipal services and the Internet / sports / city centre / local broadcasting company / opening public library at sunday... -
Gemeente-enquete Ede 1997 - VSO v2
Opinion of inhabitants of Ede about various aspects of living in Ede, the municipal policy and municipal facilities Crime, insecurity, and inconveniences in neighbourhood... -
Effecten van kunsteducatie in het voortgezet onderwijs 1993-1995
Effects of art education in secondary schools on cultural participation later in life. Exams in art subjects / reasons to choose cultural subjects / cultural activities... -
Stadspanelonderzoek Arnhem 1994
Opinion of the inhabitants of Arnhem about various aspects of living in Arnhem: general tasks of local government, public health, sports and recreation, perception of local... -
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen 2003
Survey among the inhabitants of Nijmegen. Age and sex of respondent, whether respondent and-or respondent's parents were born in the Netherlands / occupational status / history... -
Familie-enquête Nederlandse bevolking 2000
Life course and life situation of the Dutch population. Family of origin, educational career, labor market career, family formation, residential career, income, religion,... -
Achtergronden van niet-deelname aan cultuur en recreatie 1978
Reasons for and causes of non-participation in recreational and cultural activities. Attitude to use and evaluation of recreational and cultural facilities. Theatre, concerts,...