Off-specular reflectivity from conjugated polymer heterojunctions
Using conjugated polymers as the active materials in electronic and optoelectronic devices opens up the possibility of fabricating all-polymer devices, such as active matrix... -
Polyamorphism in Glassy GeO2
The object of this proposal is to determine, by using neutron diffraction, the nature of the polyamorphic phase transition that occurs in glassy GeO2 with increasing pressure.... -
Inelastic neutron scattering in the Ce3Co4Sn13 heavy Fermion compound
We propose to use the OSIRIS spectrometer to measure the inelastic magnetic scattering on the newly discovered heavy Fermion compound Ce3Co4Sn13. This compound has one of the... -
Low field µSR studies of radiation chemistry and free radical reactions by no...
Microwave (MW) assisted chemical reactions are of interest as a green, energy efficient alternative to conventional thermal heating for chemical processes. MW irradiation... -
The use of neutron diffraction to determine residual stresses in standard ISI...
High-pressure research is one of the fastest-growing areas of natural science. The European Commission is funding the Sample Environment Joint Research Activity (JRA) between... -
Crystal Structures of Multiferroic MnWO4: HRPD
Multiferroic materials are rare and exceptional: they are ferroelectric and ferromagnetic in the same phase and these two properties can couple. Recently, materials with complex... -
Towards an accurate structural phase diagram for the novel BiScO3-PbTiO3 ferr...
The aim of this experiment is to determine accurately the crystal structures of phases in the (1-x)BiScO3-xPbTiO3 (BST-PT) perovskite phase diagram, particularly in the vicinity... -
Developing a generic gravimetric method to determine the composition of films...
We propose to develop a new and generic, multi-probe technique to characterize the mass, and changes in mass, of material probed in a NR experiment. This methodology will be... -
Spin Dynamics in the Quantum Critical and Ferromagnetic Regimes of URu2-xRe
Recently, there has been a significant amount of interest in quantum phase transitions and non-Fermi liquid (NFL) behavior exhibited by heavy-fermion compounds. Interestingly... -
Mechanical twinning in quartz rocks: in situ experiments at stress and during...
Previous experiments at ENGIN-X (Wenk et al. 2007) established that quartz rocks undergo mechanical twinning if stressed above 100 MPa. The amount of twinning is highly... -
O/N-distribution in host lattices for rare-earth doped phosphors in light emi...
Nitridosilicates and oxonitridosilicates (sions) gain more and more importance as host lattices for rare-earth doped phosphors in light emitting diodes. By means of... -
Defect Structure in Lead Doped Bismuth Yttrates
Stabilised bismuth oxides are of interest as intermediate temperature solid electrolytes for a variety of electrochemical device applications. Lead doping into bismuth yttrate... -
Anomalous Layer at a Nematic-Air Interface
The aim is to establish the nature of the surface layer of 8CB at the nematic-air interface by measuring neutron reflection from three differently deuterated versions of 8CB.... -
Investigation of phase diagrams of polysaccharides
This project concerns fundamental and strategically important research underlying the development of new drug delivery vehicles. We propose to sample phase diagram of... -
Molecular interactions between phospholipid monolayers and dimethylsulphoxide
Neutron reflectivity will be employed to investigate the interaction between dimethylsulphoxide and monomolecular films of phosphatidylcholine. The monolayer will be used as a... -
Self-Organisation of Phospholipids on Au Electrodes
This experiment is part of a programme to study the effect of applied electric fields on the structure of biomimetic films formed at Au electrodes, with emphasis on... -
The Influence of Post-Quench Delay on the Residual Stresses in Cold Compresse...
Residual stresses introduced into large aerospace aluminium components after the queching procedure carried out to form the desired microstructure can result in large, costly... -
Spin Rotation Experiments at a Pulsed Muon Source using Broadband RF Pulses
In this proposal we wish to explore how the RF-MuSR technique might be developed for measurements akin to FT-NMR. Our work will focus on the broadband excitation of paramagnetic... -
Interactions between a polymer brush grown from a macro-initiator-modified sa...
We propose to make neutron reflectivity measurements of the weak polyelectrolyte, poly(dimethy amino ethyl methacrylate), grown from two different surface densities of initiator... -
Sustainable polymeric deposition aids
This is a new programme of work and a collaboration between CCLRC, Oxford, Unilever and Manchester. It is concerned with polymer aided deposition to solid substrates, using...