Search for structural modulation lifting the orbital degeneracy in triangular...
This proposal is part of our research programme on spin and orbital order in frustrated systems. AgNiO2 has a layered crystal structure with Jahn-Teller active Ni3+ ions forming... -
Magnetic order in the triangular quantum magnet AgNiO2
This proposal is part of our research programme on spin and orbital order in frustrated systems. AgNiO2 has a layered crystal structure with Jahn-Teller active Ni3+ ions forming... -
O/N-distribution in host lattices for rare-earth doped phosphors in light emi...
Nitridosilicates and oxonitridosilicates (sions) gain more and more importance as host lattices for rare-earth doped phosphors in light emitting diodes. By means of... -
Contributions of ¿NH3+ torsions to phase transitions of glycine
It is proposed to investigate the torsional dynamics of the ¿NH3+ group of glycine-d2 in its three polymorphic forms using quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS). This study is...