Diplomaattien Twitter-kysely 2021
Aineisto perustuu Twitteriä työssään käyttäville diplomaateille suunnattuun kyselyyn. Kyselyyn vastasi 108 islantilaista, ruotsalaista, suomalaista, tanskalaista ja virolaista... -
Dealing with Disagreement: The depolarizing effects of everyday diplomatic sk...
In online text-based discussions, people behave less diplomatically because they are more outspoken and less responsive. This can feed impressions of polarization. This article... -
Attempts to encourage diplomacy in online interactions: three informative fai...
Online discussions about controversial topics seem more prone to misunderstanding and even polarization than similar discussions held face-to-face. Recent research uncovered an... -
Online social regulation: When everyday diplomatic skills of harmonious disag...
In group discussions, people rely on everyday diplomatic skills to socially regulate the interaction, maintain harmony, and avoid escalation. This article compares social...