Rosalia Lehrforst AUSTRIA - Discharge data Grasriegelgraben 2001-2020
Discharge data from the station Grasriegelgraben at the LTER Site Rosalia Lehrforst Austria (https://deims.org/77c127c4-2ebe-453b-b5af-61858ff02e31). Relevant metadata on... -
Plasma-assisted combustion with nanosecond discharges. Part I: Discharge effe...
This database contains the data published in the associated article, notably the plasma temperature, the electron number density, the discharge voltage and current, the number... -
Flood event indices from peatland-dominated boreal catchment, Minganie, Quebe...
Synthesis of specific indices and variables obtained from flood events isolated from the hourly times series. Flood events indices were the hysteresis index (see Lloyd et al.... -
Lake-groundwater exchange at Laguna La Conceja (Ruidera, Spain) during 2009
This dataset has no description
PRESLHY Experiment series E3.1 (Cryogenic Hydrogen Blow-down/Discharge) resul...
In the frame of the PRESLHY project more than 200 hydrogen blow-down experiments were made with the DisCha-facility at KIT and about half of the experiments were made at... -
LPJmL4 model output for the publications in GMD: LPJmL4 - a dynamic global ve...
LPJmL4 is a process-based model that simulates climate and land-use change impacts on the terrestrial biosphere, the water and carbon cycle and on agricultural production. The... -
PRESSurE Kahule Khola gauging station data Nepal
This data set was taken within the Perturbations of Earth Surface Processes by Large Earthquakes PRESSurE Project... -
Hydrological Station Bachbrücke
Hydrological Station Bachbrücke -
Structure of the lithium battery cathode Li2+2x(Fe,Mn)1-xSiO4
There is great interest in scaling up Li-ion batteries for use in electric vehicles, requiring cheap and safe cathodes. Li2FeSiO4 shows promising performance as a cathode but... -
Cathodes for Na-ion batteries
Lithium-ion batteries are of great interest for automotive applications but are expensive. Sodium is much more abundant and hence cheaper so for e.g. storing energy from... -
In-situ studies of thermal electrochemical cells utilising transition metal s...
Thermal batteries are used in applications were high reliability is a key requirement. They can be stored for decades and activated in less than a second. Most contemporary... -
Neutron Diffraction Studies of Sodium Manganese Oxides with the P3 Structure.
Batteries have a variety of applications, including as storage of energy generated from renewable sources such as wind and solar. Whilst lithium-ion batteries dominate the... -
Structural changes in LiMO2 anode materials
It was thought that oxides could not intercalate Li below 1.5V vs Li+/Li. We recently studied layered LiVO2, which intercalates Li at around 0.25V to form Li2VO2, making it an... -
Tailored interfacial properties of battery electrodes
Consisting of a positive and negative electrode, conventional batteries undergo a range of static and dynamic processes that originate at the electrode surface. As such,... -
In-situ Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Lithium Ion Battery Cathodes Li2MS...
This application focuses on the study of two important lithium ion battery materials. We intend to use our newly developed cell design which allows for the cycling of battery... -
Evolving structures of oxysulfide battery materials
This proposal aims to investigate the evolution of the structures of layered oxysulfide materials which show promise as lithium ion battery electrodes. The lithiation of... -
Structural evolution in LiVS2 anode materials
Intercalation electrodes operating close to 1V vs. Li+/Li are highly desirable. They are safe and provide protection to plating Li if overcharged, while still giving a... -
measurments of gauging station GA (Gurgler Ache)
measurments of gauging station GA (Gurgler Ache) level measurments & spring discharge measurments (dailiy means, monthly maximum and minimum values) -
Rosalia Lehrforst Austria- Discharge data Grasriegelgraben 2001-2020
Discharge data from the station Grasriegelgraben at the LTER Site Rosalia Lehrforst Austria -
Hydrological Station Gsengbrücke
Hydrological Station Gsengbrücke