Nuorten miesten rikollisuuskysely 2006
Kyselyssä kartoitettiin helsinkiläisten nuorten miesten itse ilmoitetun rikollisuuden tasoa, erityisesti varastamiseen ja muihin omaisuusrikoksiin sekä erilaisiin... -
Nuorisorikollisuus 2016
Aineistossa on kartoitettu yhdeksäsluokkalaisten rikoskäyttäytymistä ja uhrikokemuksia. Kyselyn alussa kysyttiin vastaajan taustatietoja, koulumenestyksestä ja tulevaisuuden... -
Suonensisäisten huumeiden käyttäjien hyvinvointi 2013-2014
Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin suomalaisten suonensisäisten huumeiden käyttäjien elämäntilanteita, hyvinvointia ja niihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa... -
Nuorisorikollisuus 2020
Aineistossa on kartoitettu yhdeksäsluokkalaisten rikoskäyttäytymistä ja uhrikokemuksia. Uutena osiona vuonna 2020 vastaajaa pyydettiin arvioimaan kuinka hyvin erilaiset väitteet... -
Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet
The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1971, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1972, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1973, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1974, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1975, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1976, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1977, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1978, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1979, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1980, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1981, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1982, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1983 A, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1983 B, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of... -
Skolelevers drogvanor - 1984, årskurs 9
Since 1971, a national drug habit survey has been conducted among Swedish ninth graders. From 2004, annual survey are also being conducted among students in the second year of...