EVAn Arvo- ja asennetutkimus kevät 2022
Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin suomalaisten arvoja ja asenteita. Tällä kertaa teemoina ovat turvallisuus ja erilaisiin uhkiin varautuminen, Suomen mahdollinen liittyminen... -
Kansalaispulssi 11/2022
Kansalaispulssi selvittää suomalaisten korona-ajan mielipiteitä viranomaisten toiminnasta sekä vastaajan mielialasta ja huolenaiheista. Aineisto sisältää kysymyksiä myös Venäjän... -
Kansalaispulssi 1/2023
Kansalaispulssi selvittää suomalaisten mielipiteitä ajankohtaisista aiheista, viranomaisten toiminnasta sekä vastaajan mielialasta ja huolenaiheista. Aineisto sisältää... -
Kansalaispulssi 2/2023
Kansalaispulssi selvittää suomalaisten mielipiteitä ajankohtaisista aiheista, viranomaisten toiminnasta sekä vastaajan mielialasta ja huolenaiheista. Aineisto sisältää... -
How Much Do People Value Future Generations? Climate Change, Trust, and Publi...
Do people care about future generations? Moral philosophers say we should, but it is unclear whether laypeople agree. In particular, humanity’s inadequate efforts to mitigate... -
How Much Do People Value Future Generations? Climate Change, Trust, and Publi...
Do people care about future generations? Moral philosophers say we should, but it is unclear whether laypeople agree. In particular, humanity’s inadequate efforts to mitigate... -
How Much Do People Value Future Generations? Climate Change, Trust, and Publi...
Do people care about future generations? Moral philosophers say we should, but it is unclear whether laypeople agree. In particular, humanity’s inadequate efforts to mitigate... -
How Much Do People Value Future Generations? Climate Change, Trust, and Publi...
Do people care about future generations? Moral philosophers say we should, but it is unclear whether laypeople agree. In particular, humanity’s inadequate efforts to mitigate... -
Internationella förhandlingsbarometern
The International Negotiations Survey is a research program with the aim to advance interdisciplinary knowledge using questionnaire data collected at international negotiations.... -
DEFRAM - Databas för Effektivare FRAMtagning av energikartläggningar
DEFRAM is a project that was funded by the Swedish Energy Agency. The project started on the 10th of December 2012 and ended on May 10, 2013. The project was run at Linköping... -
How Much Do People Value Future Generations? Climate Change, Trust, and Publi...
Do people care about future generations? Moral philosophers say we should, but it is unclear whether laypeople agree. In particular, humanity’s inadequate efforts to mitigate... -
How Much Do People Value Future Generations? Climate Change, Trust, and Publi...
Do people care about future generations? Moral philosophers say we should, but it is unclear whether laypeople agree. In particular, humanity’s inadequate efforts to mitigate... -
How Much Do People Value Future Generations? Climate Change, Trust, and Publi...
Do people care about future generations? Moral philosophers say we should, but it is unclear whether laypeople agree. In particular, humanity’s inadequate efforts to mitigate... -
How Much Do People Value Future Generations? Climate Change, Trust, and Publi...
Do people care about future generations? Moral philosophers say we should, but it is unclear whether laypeople agree. In particular, humanity’s inadequate efforts to mitigate... -
Link between energy consumption per hour of activity and productivity of labour
The data set shows energy consumption per hour of work (in MJ/hour), and labour productivity (in USD/hour) in the PS economic sector (Energy & Mining + Industry +... -
Smart Energy Research Lab: Aggregated statistics of energy use in GB domestic...
This is a set of aggregated data tables that underlie the key figures in the SERL statistical report "Smart Energy Research Lab: Energy use in GB domestic buildings 2022 and... -
How Much Do People Value Future Generations? Climate Change, Trust, and Publi...
Do people care about future generations? Moral philosophers say we should, but it is unclear whether laypeople agree. In particular, humanity’s inadequate efforts to mitigate... -
Smart Energy Research Lab: Energy use in GB domestic buildings 2021 (volume 1...
This is a set of aggregated data tables that underly the key figures in the SERL stats report "Smart Energy Research Lab: Energy use in GB domestic buildings 2021" (Volume 1)....