Auf dem Weg zu einer treibhausgasneutralen Energiewirtschaft – Aktuelle Entwi...
On the way to a climate-neutral energy industry - Current developments in law and implementation: The rapid development of sustainable energy systems is an essential part of... -
Ilmastobarometri 2019
Ilmastobarometrin tavoitteena oli selvittää suomalaisten mielipiteitä ilmastonmuutokseen sekä ilmastopolitiikkaan liittyen. Tutkimuksen rahoitti ympäristöministeriön... -
EVAn Arvo- ja asennetutkimus syksy 2022
Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin suomalaisten arvoja ja asenteita. Tällä kertaa teemoina ovat kohonneet energiakustannukset ja energiantuotanto, Suomen julkinen talous,... -
Data set academia and policy domain AI in the energy sector
Data set containing analysis of academic articles and Dutch and EU policy documents regarding AI in the energy sector. Date: 2022-07-31 (data set creation) -
Interviews with Local Energy Initiatives (LEIs) representatives
Purpose of the data collection: qualitative data acquired via semi-structured interviews, aiming at gaining insights from key members of local citizen initiatives in Groningen... -
ENBP Inventory "Energy by people" - First Europe-wide inventory on energy com...
This dataset describes the collective involvement of citizens in the energy transition with a focus on 2010-2021 across 29 countries in Europe. It is the first systematic data... -
Renewable feed-in management data Germany 2015-2018
The data sets comprise EinsMan (renewable feed-in management) data of the distribution system operators EDIS, Schleswig Holstein Netze, Bayernwerke and Avacon. These... -
Redispatch data Germany 2015-2017
Redispatch is used very frequently to cure congestion in the German grid. It describes the action of shutting down generation in front of a transmission grid congestion and... -
Congestion data of 50 Hertz 2015-2017
The data sets comprise hourly congestion data of the transmission system operator 50 Hertz from 2015 to 2017. 50 Hertz GmbH and TenneT GmbH are the TSOs in Germany, which suffer... -
Congestion data TSO 50 Hertz Germany 2015-2017 (binary)
The data sets comprise hourly congestion data of the transmission system operator 50 Hertz from 2015 to 2017. 50 Hertz GmbH and TenneT GmbH are the TSOs in Germany, which suffer...