Ordlista för plan- och byggtermer
Multilingual glossary concerning planning and building terms. The glossary was produced by the Swedish Centre for Terminology TNC in close cooperation with the Swedish National... -
Multilingual glossary containing terms related to forestry. The glossary has been produced in cooperation with the Swedish Forest association. The glossary contains 3512 terms... -
Geoteknisk ordlista
Multilingual terminology glossary containing terms from the geotechnical field. The glossary has been created by the Swedish Centre for Terminology (TNC) in close cooperation... -
Geologisk ordlista
Multilingual terminology glossary containing terms from the geological field. The glossary contains 1745 terms in Swedish, some of the terms have been translated to Russian,... -
Nya teknologier mellan forskning och publik - Det digitala museet, enkätresultat
The dataset represents the results from a survey that was part of the work in a research project focusing on new technologies in museums and historic environment conservation.... -
Kvalitet på bad-, disk- och tvättvatten (BDT-vatten) från en stadsdel: inkomm...
The dataset presented here consists of raw data on the quality of influent greywater generated from a city district with 800 PE (population equivalent) and the effluent quality... -
Svensk-romska ordlistor
Swedish-Romani Glossary is a collection of glossaries between Swedish and different Romani dialects. The glossaries are made with the aim of aiding individuals who need to... -
Uppgifter om potentiella biomarkörer för pilgift från jägare och samlare i sö...
The data was used when searching for potential biomarkers for southern African hunter-gatherer arrow poisons applied to ethno-historical and archaeological samples using... -
Data om hur egenskaper hos honungsbiyngel påverkar reproduktionen hos Varroa ...
The data set was collected in Uppsala Sweden between 2019 and 2021. Hives were established using varroa resistant queens from Oslo, Norway (n = 3), Gotland Sweden, (n = 5), and... -
Grisars doftundersökningsbeteende - data från del 1 av projekt "Lukta på det ...
These studies are connected to the first part in a larger project called "Smell This". Study 1 aimed to a) identify which non-social odors pigs were able to detect and... -
Material av fossila kvastfeniga fiskar (Holoptychius sp., Rhizodontida indet....
The data set forms part of a study of fossil fish material from Southwest Ireland (Sarcopterygii: Dipnoi indet., Rhizodontida indet. och Holoptichius sp.; Givetian of the... -
Innehållet i fem svenska "skrotdepåer" från yngre bronsålder
This dataset contains information about metal objects and fragments of metal objects from five Swedish hoard finds from the Late Bronze Age. The main purpose of this data... -
Modellerade kväve och svavelnedfall över Europa 1980-2011
The Eulerian Transport and Chemistry model MATCH (Robertson et al. 1999) has been used to estimate the deposition over Europe from 1980 to 2011. In data to the model is... -
Svensk valundersökning 1970
The 1970 election study differs from the others because the entire survey was carried out after election day. Different techniques were used: about 1/3 of the sample were... -
Svenskt lantbruk under omställning - lantbrukshushållens villkor och strategi...
This is a survey of farming households in three different areas of Sweden. Swedish agriculture is presently undergoing a radical reorganization. Regulation systems are... -
Svenska partiprogram och valmanifest
Swedish party programs and election manifestos from 1897 until today. All documents are also open available at page: https://snd.gu.se/vivill, where it is possible to search in... -
Agrarhistorisk databas 1570-1810: befolkning, jordbruk, jordägande - Sockenvi...
From an international point of view, Sweden has some partially unique historical statistics, including, among other things, statistics on population growth from 1749 onwards. In... -
Agrarhistorisk databas 1570-1810: befolkning, jordbruk, jordägande - Sockenvi...
From an international point of view, Sweden has some partially unique historical statistics, including, among other things, statistics on population growth from 1749 onwards. In... -
Agrarhistorisk databas 1570-1810: befolkning, jordbruk, jordägande - Sockenvi...
From an international point of view, Sweden has some partially unique historical statistics, including, among other things, statistics on population growth from 1749 onwards. In... -
Agrarhistorisk databas 1570-1810: befolkning, jordbruk, jordägande - Sockenvi...
From an international point of view, Sweden has some partially unique historical statistics, including, among other things, statistics on population growth from 1749 onwards. In...