4 datasets found

Keywords: export figures

Filter Results
  • National Accounts of the Netherlands, 1800-1913

    Reconstruction of the National Accounts of the Netherlands and the analysis of the development of the Dutch Economy in the period 1800-1940. To reconstruct national income...
  • Agriculture in Greece, 20th century

    This data set presents statistical data on various kinds of agricultural production and distribution, and the distribution of cattle in Greece. Some files concern a specific...
  • Anglo-African trade, 1699-1808

    This dataset contains figures on the trade between England and Africa during the period 1699-1808: imports, exports, re-exports and indirect imports. A distinction is made...
  • Netherlands East Indies trade, 1870-1940

    This dataset contains foreign trade figures for Java and the outer provinces of the Netherlands East Indies. Contains annual and regional figures of approximately 65 different...
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