Structural analysis of amino acyl-tRNA-dependent Ligation Reactions in Bacter...
Assembly of the peptidoglycan later of bacterial cell walls is a validated target for anti-bacterial agents: the late transpeptidation and transglycosylation steps are inhibited... -
The role of disulphide bridges in the adsorption of globular proteins at the ...
Following our previous study of adsorption of globular lysozyme and BSA at the oil/water interface by neutron reflection, we continue to explore how unfolding of globular... -
The application of INS to investigate the methanol-to-gasoline reaction over ...
We propose to use MERLIN to measure INS from commercial zeolite catalyst samples extracted from a reactor in which they have been exposed to dimethylether for different lengths... -
Nanodiscs films at the air-water interface
Nanodiscs are self assembled complexes of phospholipids and a class of amphipathic helical proteins termed membrane scaffold proteins . The proteins and lipids self-assemble... -
Modulation in Molecular Materials - Variable Temperature
Modulation occurs when there is ordering on two (or more) length scales. When the ratio of these is an integer, the modulation is said to be commensurate, i.e. one ordering is... -
Ferroelectric phase transition in Rochelle salt
We propose to measure total scattering from Rochelle Salt in order to provide new insights into the re-entrant phase transitions in this material. Rochelle Salt is an old... -
Exploring Multiferroic Couplings in Ca2MnO4
The Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) compounds An+1BnO3n+1 exhibit a broad range of technologically interesting properties such as high-Tc superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance,... -
Stochastic vs. Intermolecular Motions in Strongly Associated Liquids: The Cas...
Neutron scattering is a powerful technique to study stochastic motions in liquids but it requires an energy resolution well below the meV range. As a consequence, quasielastic... -
Kinetic Study of the Mechanistic Complexation Process Between DNA and Cationi...
We propose to use the new SANS2d to study the dynamic structural evolution in the couse of the formation of DNA-cationic polymer complexes. The dynamic process and the mixing... -
Investigation of the Dynamic Mechanism of Xylanase by QENS
In this proposal we will pioneer the use of QENS in combination with molecular biology mutagenesis and in silico design to guide the re-engineering of a glycoside hydrolase,... -
Structures of phenol-ammonia and phenol-water compounds
Phenol-water and phenol-ammonia clusters are useful model systems for understanding the types of proton-transfer interactions that occur during photosynthesis in plants and... -
Reflectometry studies of the mechanism of formation of mesoporous silicate fi...
Surfactant-silica self-assembly processes have been extensively studied since the discovery of M41S mesoporous materials in 1992. Mesoporous silicate films can be grown from... -
Effect of Anelasticity on Creep Behaviour
Nuclear power generation plants undergo start-up/shut-down load-temperature cycles during service operation. Components operating at temperatures in the creep regime can exhibit... -
Structure and magnetic order of the diamond-kagome planar compound Cu2OSO4
Materials with antiferromagnetic interactions between spins on a triangle lattice inherently exhibit large frustration between similar energy ground states giving rise to novel... -
Strain effect on the magnetic ground state of the ferroelectric Ca3CoMnO6 system
The search for new ferroelectric materials, where the ferroelectricity results from magnetic frustration, has been a topic of great interest to the condensed matter physics... -
Low-Dimensional Quantum Magnetism in a Molecular Framework
The exotic physics of low-dimensional quantum magnets has recently been highlighted by the award of a Nobel Prize to Duncan Haldane. We have identified the molecular framework... -
Framework flexibility and host-guest hydrogen bonding in the metal-organic do...
The recently reported double perovskite analogue imidazolium potassium iron(III) cyanide is noteworthy for two reasons. First, the order-disorder phase transitions, in which the... -
Solid state phase transformations at very high temperature in a martensitic s...
Selective Laser Melting (SLM) is a technique of Additive Manufacturing of metallic parts. There are still several barriers of acceptance of that process in the industry and... -
Local structure of ortho-terphenyl glass
Ortho-terphenyl is a paradigmatic example of a molecular glass-former; yet the structure of its glass has never been fully described. We have recently demonstrated that, by... -
Nature of the ground state of Dy2Ti2O7 spin ice
Spin ice (SI) is a state of matter characterized by a residual (Pauling) entropy and unusual correlations. The huge interest in SI materials from the magnetism community stems...