Swim bladder measurements of Cyclothone species from the BATHYPELAGIC cruise ...
This dataset contains the values of swim bladder length, height, width, angle, volume, equivalent spherical radius and aspect ratio in Cyclothone spp. measured during the... -
Standard length, dry weight and swim bladder percentage gas of Cyclothone spe...
This dataset contains the values of standard length, dry weight and percentage of gas in Cyclothone spp. swim bladder collected during the Bathypelagic cruise (from 24th May to... -
Body mass-density of Cyclothone species from the SUMMER cruise in Northeast A...
This dataset contains the values of standard length, wet weight, and body mass-density of Cyclothone spp. measured during the SUMMER cruise (from 30th September to 18th October... -
Standard length, weight, body mass-density and swim bladder measurements data...
Size, weight, body-mass density and swim bladder measurements of Cyclothone species were analysed during the IDEADOS (Mediterranean Sea, July 2010), Bathypelagic (North...