Fish counts and species at and around artificially introduced tetrapod fields...
With increasing global change, coastal protection measures are becoming increasingly important for preserving our coastal features and infrastructure. Coastal protection often... -
Individual lengths, sex and tissue samples obtained from adult and early life...
We provide here a curated set of data containing representative fish length measurements. The specimens were collected by a Macroplankton trawl (~36 m² mouth opening, non-graded... -
Adult and early life stages of fish collected, taxonomically identified and e...
We provide here a curated set of data containing fish catch weights and number of specimens taxonomically identified to lowest possible taxonomic level (species, genus, or... -
Nutrient analysis for Troux aux Biches and Flic en Flac lagoon, Mauritius
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Annotated images capturing fish abundances during the first deployment of the...
Here we present fish observation data obtained during the first EGIM deployment at the OBSEA observatory, which led to the development of a methodology for correlating fish... -
Annotated images capturing fish abundances observed at the OBSEA cabled obser...
Underwater images and abundances of different fish taxa detected at the OBSEA Cabled Observatory from January 2013 to December 2014. OBSEA station is located 4km off-the-coast... -
Environmental data and fish abundances for Troux aux Biches and Flic en Flac ...
Submarine inflow of freshwater from land into the ocean, (fresh) submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), is increasingly recognized as an important source of local nutrient and... -
Fish and invertebrate catch per unit of effort and biomass of three bottom tr...
During a MARSYS student training cruise (HE600) three bottom trawl hauls were conducted on 2022 June 3., 7. and 10. in the southern North Sea. The catch per unit of effort and... -
Fish and invertebrate length frequencies of three bottom trawl hauls in 2022,...
During a MARSYS student training cruise (HE600) three bottom trawl hauls were conducted on 2022 June 3., 7. and 10. in the southern North Sea. The length frequency data... -
Benthic cover for Troux aux Biches and Flic en Flac lagoons, Mauritius
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Fish abundances for Troux aux Biches lagoon, Mauritius
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Total suspended solids for Troux aux Biches lagoon, Mauritius
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An oral pH-responsive Streptococcus agalactiae vaccine formulation provides p...
Data related to the Table and figures in the publication (in title) Table 1 shows Particle size measured by dynamic light scattering (mean±SD), n= 12 Figure 5 shows the...