Oxidation of gram-negative cell-wall proxy with OH radicals - kinetics and me...
Hydroxyl radicals may be used as disinfection agent in the advanced oxidation processes or tertiary treatment of waste and occasionally drinking water. We very recently oxidised... -
Sensing SO2 in Robust Porous MOF Materials via Simultaneous Microwave Dielect...
We seek to develop new MOFs for sensing and removal of toxic gases (e.g., SO2) and request 4 days on POLARIS to study the structural binding details and dielectric data... -
Effect of saponin-rich plant extracts on skin-mimicking model lipid bilayers
Plant-derived biosurfactants of the group of saponins offer an attractive alternative to synthetic surfactants because of their unique foaming and emulsifying properties... -
In situ hydration study of the novel ionic conductor Ba7MoNb4O20
Oxide-ion and proton-conducting materials attract considerable interest thanks to their application as electrolytes in solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). We have recently... -
Aromatic/aliphatic binary mixtures in a porous substrate studied by total neu...
Confined liquids are an important subject of research in many areas, such as geology, biology, food and drug preservation, and heterogeneous catalysis. These liquids can have... -
Structure and composition of oxide nano-composites for application as SOFC ca...
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are devices for converting liquid or gaseous fuels directly to electrical current. They rely on high oxide ion conductivity throughout the device... -
Towards the development of carbonitrides as novel two-stage regenerable reage...
We are examining a number of cobalt-molybdenum carbonitrides as possible catalysts for reactions that produce nitrogen-containing organic molecules. There is good evidence that... -
Simultaneous Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy and Neutron Diffraction Measur...
Ammonia has been proposed as a high density chemical energy-storage media, which can be safely and reversible stored within low cost saline halides. Here we propose to extend... -
Oxidation of a bilayer of DOPC by aqueous ozone - a chemical, kinetic and mec...
Mineral aerosol in the atmosphere is a major part of the Earths aerosol budget. Organic films on these aerosols affect the aerosols ability to promote cloud formation and... -
[Cr(NH3)]6Cl2 and its lower ammines; understanding the influence of the Jahn-...
There are growing demands to reduce the global CO2 footprint and to adopt alternative, sustainable fuels. Ammonia (NH3) is one such alternative, producing only water and... -
Probing the Local Structure-Property Relationship in the IMSSZ Oxide Ion Cond...
The current state-of-the-art solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrolyte material, 8 mol% yttria stabilised zirconia (8YSZ), exhibits good performance at temperatures above 850 °C.... -
The first in operando INS study of a catalytic reaction: CO oxidation over PdO
Inelastic neutron scattering has been used to study adsorbed species on catalysts for more than 30 years. All of this work has one feature in common: they are all ¿snapshots¿ of... -
Sensing Sulphur Dioxide in Robust Porous MOF Materials via Simultaneous Micro...
We seek to develop new materials for sensing and removal of toxic gases (esp., SO2) and request 2 days on POLARIS to study the structural binding details and dielectric data... -
Structural phase transitions in proton conducting BaCe0.8Y0.2O3-d as function...
The structure dependence of BaCe0.8Y0.2O3-d (BCY-20), a leading proton conducting material, will be studied as a function of temperature and, critically, controlled atmosphere... -
Characterization of heterogeneous solvent structure in a carbon capture fluid
We propose to use neutron scattering experiments to gain molecular level insight into an intriguing liquid structure observed in a water-free CO2-capture solvent. Switchable...