ATTO and HALO data related to Holanda et al 2020
This collection contains data for paper "Influx of African biomass burning aerosol during the Amazonian dry season through layered transatlantic transport of black carbon-rich... -
Available data for ATTO backward trajectory and landcover study
Available data for paper "Land cover and its transformation in the backward trajectory footprint region of the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory", ACP, 2019,... -
Fire contact of ATTO backward trajectories
This collection contains time series of cumulative fire intensity along the backward trajectories starting at the ATTO (Amazon Tall Tower Observatory) site. The time series are... -
Available data for ATTO backward trajectory and landcover study
Available data for paper "Land cover and its transformation in the backward trajectory footprint region of the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory", ACP, 2019,... -
Supermirror Guide testing
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ATTO and HALO data related to Holanda et al 2020
This collection contains data for paper "Influx of African biomass burning aerosol during the Amazonian dry season through layered transatlantic transport of black carbon-rich... -
Fire contact of ATTO backward trajectories
This collection contains time series of cumulative fire intensity along the backward trajectories starting at the ATTO (Amazon Tall Tower Observatory) site. The time series are... -
A new approach to monitoring copper corrosion using polarised neutron reflection
The aim of this experiment is to test a new approach to monitoring the corrosion of copper using polarised neutron reflection to simultaneously measure two contrasts with time.... -
Lipid bilayers suspended beneath the air/water interface for neutron reflecti...
Bacterial membranes contain safety valves called mechanosensitive ion channels, which protect the bacterium from changes in the osmotic pressure of their environment. However,... -
Spatially profiling internal microstructure changes during redox driven rapid...
The redox driven swelling and deswelling of conducting polymers has been termed Electronic Muscle actuation. One application of this property is as a sphincter-like valve in a... -
Oxidation of bilayer of labelled DPPC by aqueous hydroxyl radical elucidati...
Oxidation of atmospheric aerosol can produce cloud condensation nuclei capable of changing the reflectivity and lifetime of clouds. The oxidation of organic film on atmospheric... -
Effect of galvanostatic electrochemical control function on metal alloy depos...
The proposed project is aimed at determining the nucleation/growth processes and structures (metal distributions and solvent population/distribution) of metallic films deposited... -
PNR measurements of the induced magnetisation in nanocarbon.
Nanocarbon materials such as C60 show fascinating transport properties when in contact with a ferromagnet. Previous results indicate that this could be due to a spin polarized... -
Probing the spatial distribution of fluorophores entering nanoscale pores in ...
We wish to make specular NR measurements on fluorophore functionalization of amine-functionalized polypyrrole (PPy-NH2) films. The critical issue is film penetration of solution... -
Kinetics of surfactant multilayer formation / dissolution at interfaces
The spontaneous formation of multilayer structures at surfaces and interfaces from self-assembly in mixed surfactant and in polymer / surfactant mixtures are being increasingly... -
Magnetic Proximity Effects in Ferromagnetic-Superconducting Spin Valves
The recent experimental verification of the unique odd-frequency spin triplet superconductivity in artificial thin film ferromagnetic-superconducting structures is likely to... -
Oxidation of bilayer of DPPC on a mineral interface by aqueous OH radical ki...
Oxidation of atmospheric aerosol can produce cloud condensation nuclei capable of changing the reflectivity and lifetime of clouds. The oxidation of organic film on atmospheric... -
Magnetic interactions in ferromagnetic topological insulator multilayer struc...
Topological insulators are one of the most important recent discoveries in condensed matter physics. The topological surface state can become gapped when ferromagnetic order is... -
Startup and Calibration
This dataset has no description
A neutron reflectometry study of the interaction of octanohydroxamate with iron
The interaction of alkyl hydroxamate with iron is of interest in mineral flotation science, corrosion control and also as a model for microbial siderophore chemistry. Long chain...