Copy of: Characterization of Indo-Persian blades of the Wallace Collection
This experiment is a continuation of a previous one aiming to analyse the composition and microstructure of Indo-Persian swords and daggers of the Wallace Collection whose... -
Non invasive characterization though neutron diffraction of ancient Indonesia...
Our long-term aim is a detailed study of the Arms & Armour in the Wallace Collection, London, which contains over two thousand items and is one of the most important... -
Low field µSR studies of radiation chemistry and free radical reactions by no...
Microwave (MW) assisted chemical reactions are of interest as a green, energy efficient alternative to conventional thermal heating for chemical processes. MW irradiation... -
Probing the structure of calcium silicates over a wide range of length scales.
Sol-gel derived calcium silicates are of great importance due to their ability to bond to bone and stimulate new bone growth. Diffraction has revealed the atomic-scale changes... -
Non-destructive investigation of pottery finds from Vörs-Máriaasszonysziget
The present application focuses on the determination of possible differences in pottery production methods during the Neolithic Period . Samples of coarse grain temper (organic... -
Sample dynamics by quasielastic neutron scattering on the sub nanosecond scal...
TOFLAR is a new technique to study atomic motions on the time scale from a fraction of a picosecond up to one nanosecond. In contrast to some established techniques that only... -
Non invasive characterization of two high quality lamellar Japanese helmets
Historical metallurgy is one of the most interesting fields of archaeometry. However, traditional analytical methods are often too invasive to be applied to the most interesting... -
Investigation of Multiple-q states around the Quantum Critical Point of URu2S...
URu2Si2 has been examined intensively over the decades for the rich phase diagram including superconductivity, Hidden Order and multiple magnetic phases appearing around the... -
PEARL calibration
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Multiscale time-resolving study of crystallisation in polyethyleneoxide
We will exploit the powerful and unique capability of NIMROD to follow in a time-resolving manner the crystallisation of polyethyleneoxide (PEO). There are three key length... -
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Magnetic correlation length measurements in Fe/Si multilayers using spin echo...
We wish to investigate the magnetic structure of a series of magnetic multilayers using a new technique we have successfully implemented called Spin Echo Modulated Small Angle... -
Probing stray field distributions in silver arising from patterned ferromagne...
We propose to investigate muon spin depolarization in silver resulting from stray magnetic fields from a nickel film that has been photo-lithographically patterned into a series... -
Measurement of residual polarization and hyperfine transition rate in muonic ...
This proposed experiment is a muon spin rotation measurement of the hyperfine transition rate in muonic atoms involving a proton or deuteron. The residual spin polarization of a... -
Exploring the Magnetic Behaviour of New S = 1/2 Vanadium Oxyfluoride Kagome A...
Quantum spin liquid (QSL) states emerge when the arrangement of magnetic moments in a material frustrates magnetic interactions and low spin magnetic moments allow for strong... -
muSR studies of expanded fullerides across the superconductivity dome
FCC Cs3C60 can be driven to a bulk superconducting state without symmetry change by the application of pressure. Its Tc passes through a maximum of 35 K at 6 kbar. We have been... -
30 T High Magnetic Field Neutron Diffraction on Multi-ferroic TbMnO3
The main target of the proposal is to determine the magnetic phase diagram of multi-ferroic compound TbMnO3 in extremely high magnetic fields around 30 T by using a pulsed... -
Magnetic properties of yttrium diluted Ho2-xYxTi2O7 spin ice.
Pure Ho2Ti2O7 and Dy2Ti2O7 exhibit spin ice behaviour. The recent discovery of monopoles and "magnetricity" in Dy2Ti2O7 spin ice has only added to the interest in these... -
Magnetic structure of pyrochlore irridate Y2Ir2O7
We propose to study by powder neutron diffraction the ordered magnetic state of the pyrochlore compound Y2Ir2O7. There is currently an increasing interest in the condensed... -
Two-Dimensional Triangular Mott Insulator
The 1T polytype of the transition-metal dichalchogenide TaS2 is a system with a very rich phase diagram. Upon cooling down, the crystal goes through a series of charge density...