Materials underlying: Responsive evaluation of stakeholder dialogue to promot...
Materials (protocols of interviews, stakeholder dialogues and participant observations) of the study are presented. In this study, an integrated intervention for workplace... -
Les bonnes pratiques de la gestion des données
Guide des bonnes pratiques de gestion des données : de la description des données à la réutilisation des données -
Polarized Neutron Reflectivity study of in-plane spin vortices formed in 2D r...
Spin vortices are most appealing characteristics of two dimensional 2D easy-plane spin systems which are receiving recent attention for their fundamental properties and possible... -
PNR determination of magnetic interface states and exchange coupling in hybri...
The atomic interfaces between ferromagnetically ordered thin films with perpendicular anisotropy and either films with magnetically ordered in-plane anisotropy or a non-magnetic... -
Simultaneous SANS and modulated SESANS studies of cross-linking in cellulose ...
Recently we have trialled the new techniques enabled on Larmor which permit simultaneous measurements of nanoscale and macroscale structure. These experiments gave new insights... -
Acid /amine complexation on an iron oxide /Oil interface
This experiment seeks to characterise the monolayer composition and structure of binary mixtures of fatty acid and amine. This represents a key additive system used commercially... -
Probing the magnetic interface in Bi2Se3/CoFeB bilayers by polarized neutron ...
Topological insulators (TIs) are quantum materials having insulating properties in bulk, but display gapless conducting surface states. These conducting surface electronic... -
Probing the origin of the superconducting spin-valve effect
Inter-layer exchange coupling through charge and/or spin carriers is the key control mechanism for the field of nano-magnetism and is often coupled to other spintronic effects,... -
PNR measurements of the induced magnetisation in nanocarbon.
Nanocarbon materials such as C60 show fascinating transport properties when in contact with a ferromagnet. Previous results indicate that this could be due to a spin polarized... -
Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Interactions with Lipid Bilayers in a Magnetic Field
Iron oxide nanoparticles are one of the first nanomaterials to be approved for use in the body. However, research into particle binding and incorporation to, as well as... -
Magnetic nanostructures of Fe-Ag and Fe-Au granular thin films
Nanogranular thin films of FexM100-x (M=Au,Ag; x=7,20,39) are an excellent system to study the magnetism of nanoparticles in diamagnetic matrices coupled by direct, RKKY and... -
Controlling the interaction of hemicellulose (galactoglucomannan, GGM) with c...
Softwood hemicellulose (galactoglucomannan, GGM) is one of the major plant polysaccharides found in cell walls after cellulose. It makes up to 25% of the wood in Sweden,... -
Proving ground-state ordering in Artificial Spin-Ice systems formed by sub-10...
The main purpose of the experiment proposed here is to study the effects of thermalisation on Artificial Spin-Ice (ASI) systems formed by nanomagnets with sub-100 nm lateral... -
Interlayer coupling in YIG/NiO/Pt trilayers
The spin Seebeck effect is able to convert a temperature gradient into a spin current. Many potential applications exist for the field of spintronics, which use these spin... -
Magnetic correlation length measurements in Fe/Si multilayers using spin echo...
We wish to investigate the magnetic structure of a series of magnetic multilayers using a new technique we have successfully implemented called Spin Echo Modulated Small Angle... -
A Model for Tackifier Elastomer Interaction
Oligomers are commonly added to adhesives in order to improve surface tack properties. However, it is also important that the oligomers do not adversely affect the solid (glassy... -
The mechanism of lipid transport in Gram-negative bacteria
The bacterial cell envelope is one of the best targets for antimicrobial development. It is this envelope that harbours the instruments of microbial warfare, preventing its... -
An In-Situ Study of the Formation of Amyloid Fibrils at Polymer Surfaces Usin...
We propose to study the formation of lateral features during insulin amyloid formation on polymer substrates using off-specular neutron reflectivity. This will be done by... -
Neutron reflection studies on model wax films reconstituted from chemicals
Morphological features of plant waxes vary from species to species, but little is understood about what controls these morphological changes although it is widely believed that... -
Magnetic interactions in ferromagnetic topological insulator multilayer struc...
Topological insulators are one of the most important recent discoveries in condensed matter physics. The topological surface state can become gapped when ferromagnetic order is...