Deep-sea pollen record from IODP Site 339-U1385 (SW Iberian margin) during MI...
Pollen percentages of different ecological groups (Mediterranean forest, Mediterranean taxa/sclerophylls, pioneer trees and shrubs, semi-desert, ubiquists, heathlands) and total... -
Pollen counts of IODP Site 339-U1386 across Termination V (404-433 kyr BP)
This dataset features a part of IODP Side 339-U1386 pollen record covering Termination V (404-433 kyr BP). The sediment core was retrieved from the upper slope of the Iberian... -
Data from: Barriers to restoration: soil acidity and phosphorus limitation co...
Sod cutting is used as measure in heathlands affected by increased nitrogen deposition, but species recovery is often limited. This paper provides experimental evidence of... -
Pollen analysis of sediment core MD99-2343 from the Mediterranean Sea
Deep-sea pollen records from the Western European margin show that during the Last Glacial period (ca. 115-27 ka), regional vegetation oscillated between steppe and open forest... -
Pollen analysis of sediment core MD04-2845 from the Bay of Biscay
This data set presents the composition of vegetation in SE and SW France during the Last Glacial period (67-33 ka). Percentages of the temperate forest, the pioneer tree,...