Popis prebivalstva, gospodinjstev in stanovanj v RS v letu 2002
Namen popisa v letu 2002 je bil zbrati osnovne podatke o prebivalstvu, gospodinjstvih in stanovanjih in stavbah tudi za najnižje teritorialne ravni in za primerjavo s prejšnjimi... -
Anketa o porabi v gospodinjstev 1998-2000
Anketa zajema vprašanja o izdatkih glede na namen porabe (hrana, pijača, obleka, obutev, stanarina ipd), stanovanjskih pogojih, razpoložljivosti trajnejših potrošnih dobrin,... -
The mobility of ions in molten nitrates
This proposal is a continuation of a study of molten salts which have a large number of applications, including applications in fuel cells and, in the case of nitrates, as... -
Multi-phonon scattering and anharmonicity in zinc oxide
Understanding the thermal conductivity of zinc oxide is of central importance in assessing its potential for a wide variety of applications in optoelectronics, power electronics... -
An attempt to measure sorption through strain induced deformation
Zeolite catalysts are highly porous materials that take up gases and vapours into their pores. Accommodating the guest molecule inside the host framework leads to distortion... -
Probing Water Structure in the Hydration layer around Poly(ethylene glycol)
Water is the source of life, but the effects of hydration water on the conformation change and function of biological and bio-compatible macromolecules are still full of... -
Probing hybridization strength and homogeneity of valence mixing in magnetica...
The compounds we want to study belong to the well-known tetragonal RM2X2 family (R: rare earth, M: d element, X: Ge, Si). In EuCu2(SixGe1-x)2, the Eu valence changes, as a... -
Dynamics of in Poly(vinyl alcohol)-SiC Nanofiber Composite
Inorganic-organic hybrid nanocomposites are formed by incorporating inorganic nanoparticles in soft organic polymer matrices. The dynamics of the polymer can be affected due to... -
The Dynamics of Molecular Hydrogen in Synthetic Na-Laponite
In this proposal we aim to study the low temperature uptake and dynamics of hydrogen in the interlayer region of partially hydrated pillared Na-laponite clay. There are linked... -
Simultaneous Raman and structural studies of the proton conductor CsHSO4.
Caesium hydrogen sulfate, CsHSO4 is a solid acid proton conductor, which operates in the temperature range from 100 to 200 °C. Hence, it has potential application in... -
In search of origin of metal-insulator transition in honeycomb structure Li2RuO3
Recently we have carried out inelastic neutron scattering measurements on Li2RuO3 to understand the nature of the phase transition at 550K. We have seen a clear inelastic... -
Distribution of End-Functionalized Polymers in Semi-Crystalline Blends
Although the surface properties and self-organisation of end-functional polymers in amorphous blends are well understood, the influence of crystallinity has received little... -
Dipolar frustration on the triangular lattice: Order and disorder in AgNCO
We propose to use neutron total scattering to characterise isocyanate (NCO-) orientations within the orientationally-disordered phase of AgNCO. The arrangement of NCO- ions in... -
Formulating polymer solutions to stabilise polymeric foams
Polyurethane foams (PUFs) are commonly prepared by mixing Pluronic type copolymers and isocyanate reactive monomers in the presence of additives e.g. catalysts, blowing agent... -
Apatite-type Oxides for Energy Applications: Symmetry Distortion Mode Analysi...
Apatites are a large group of chemically and structurally flexible functional materials with important applications as solid electrolytes. The majority of known apatite... -
Hydrogen Insertion into Zirconium- and Vanadium-Substituted Substoichiometric...
Despite the insight provided by the ab initio approach, there still remain some important questions concerning the hydrogen insertion in new hydrogen storage systems,... -
Does The Crystal Structure of Leucite Evolve with Temperature to the Proposed...
The concept of an aristotype, or equivalently, the basic structure, that represents the highest symmetry crystal structure that can be attained, either experimentally, or... -
Hydrogen phase behaviour in microporous carbons with different pore geometries
In this proposal, we seek to use quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) to investigate the phase behaviour of molecular or di-hydrogen (H2) in cylindrical and slit-shaped pores... -
Overcoming Chemical Reaction Equilibrium: Determining the Chemical Potential ...
We have developed and demonstrated a novel process to overcome chemical reaction equilibrium constraints on an important reversible industrial chemical reaction by using... -
Ion Binding in Tetradecyltrimethylammonium Surfactant Micelle Solutions
This proposal continues our studies of surfactant micelles using NIMROD, to obtain previously inaccessible details of headgroup-ion interactions. In our previous experiments...