Probing Low Dimensional Magnetism in Lanthanide Formate Magnetocalorics
Low dimensional magnetism provides a crucial playground for the discovery and exploitation of unconventional behaviour. Coordination frameworks have a tendency to adopt highly... -
Probing Magnetic Order in 1D Holmium Magnetocaloric Frameworks
Lanthanide coordination frameworks containing polyatomic anions are attracting increasing attention for low dimensional magnetism, which appears to be linked to improved... -
Magnetic ordering and crystal electric fields studies in the new cerium compo...
The compound CeRh2Al10 is a new member of the 1:2:10 stoichiometry series. Previously the three well-studied compounds CeT2Al10 (T=Fe, Ru, Os) were showed to be the first Kondo... -
Neutron diffraction investigation of magnetic correlations in the S= 1/2 trim...
Spin-trimer chain systems are of current interest due to unconventional properties arising from the strong quantum fluctuations and topology, such as the occurrence of the... -
Magnetic structure of CeRh6Ge4 from neutron diffraction
In Ce-based heavy fermion materials, there is competition between the interactions which lead to a magnetically ordered arrangement of the Ce magnetic moments, and the... -
Magnetic order in Er2Si2O7
We propose to use neutron diffraction to establish the magnetic structure of D-type of Er2Si2O7 in zero field first with a view of extending the measurements to an applied field... -
Magnetic order in Er2Si2O7
We propose to use neutron diffraction to establish the magnetic structure of D-type of Er2Si2O7 in zero field first with a view of extending the measurements to an applied field... -
Understanding the role of spin orbit coupling on superconductivity in ScMX (M...
It is a great interest of research to explore the superconductivity in 111-family superconductor with strong spin orbit-interaction. In this proposal we wish to investigate role... -
Neutron diffraction study to investigate magnetic structure of Ce2Rh3Sn5
The coexistence of magnetic order and valence fluctuations is not so common in a Kondo lattice system. Ce2Rh3Sn5 has a peculiar orthorhombic crystal structure in which Ce ions...