Problems of penological treatment of juvenile and older minor offenders in SR...
Namen raziskave je podati oceno vpliva izvrševanja zavodskih ukrepov na mladoletne in mlajše polnoletne "obsojence" v SR Sloveniji. Izhodišče raziskave je, da pravosodni sistem... -
Ugotavljanje potreb starejših na območju Mestne občine Ljubljana, 2012
Fakulteta za socialno delo je za Mestno občino Ljubljana (MOL), naročnika, zaradi potreb po pregledu življenjskih okoliščin starih ljudi in usmerjanja politik in ukrepov na tem... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Geallieerde Bombardementen in Amsterdam Noord op de Fokker...
De heer Harry Sablerolle zat als negenjarige op 17 juli 1943 in de St. Ritakerk toen deze een voltreffer kreeg. De kerk zat vol schoolkinderen wegens de viering van het 25-jarig... -
Does tethered PEG behave as a typical polymer brush at the solid-liquid inter...
We propose to make neutron reflectivity measurements of hydrophillic polymers covalently attached, via thiol chemistry, to the gold-water interface. In particular, we will... -
High Temperature Spin Transition in LaCoO3
We aim to continue our investigation of the high temperature magnetic interactions in LaCoO3. Our previous experiment has confirmed magnetic susceptibility data, with a change... -
Copy of: Neutron Diffraction study of the monolayer structures of cyclohexane...
Following a recently succesfull measurement of the structure of a monolayer of n-butane adsorbed on MgO we wish to perform neutron diffraction measurements of monolayers of... -
Polyamorphism in Glassy GeO2
The object of this proposal is to determine, by using neutron diffraction, the nature of the polyamorphic phase transition that occurs in glassy GeO2 with increasing pressure.... -
Spin Coherent Transport in Organic Spin-Valves
We have recently performed a `proof-of-principle' Low Energy Muon Spin Rotation experiment on an organic spin valve. In an extension to our muon measurements and an attempt to...