Loopbaanonderzoek onder Wageningse ingenieurs 1973,1978,1983,1988,1992
Career of engineers, graduated at the Wageningen Agricultural University. Graduation year and study program, tropical orientation included or not / writing a dissertation /... -
Wageningse eerstejaars studenten 1975
Motivation for study ( scientific interest, occupational perspective, general education ) / other studies considered / future direction of study / perceived features of... -
Studie en studie-omstandigheden studenten van de klassieke sectie 1965
Study behaviour / opinions on study program / student organizational memberships. Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ occupation/employment/... -
Vraag naar hoger onderwijs 1981-1983
Study on factors that influence participation of high-school graduates in higher education to find a predictive model for student population size in higher education. Preferred... -
Funkties en carrierepatronen van ekonomen 1968
Job opportunities for economists / occupational history and job structure / social background / interest in post-graduate course / motivation for occupational choice. Background... -
Gezondheidsonderzoek 1970
Health study / physical complaints / stress / neuroticism / general satisfaction / tendency to consult a doctor / psychiatrist / tendency to stay in bed / illness behaviour /... -
Sociale herkomst van studenten aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1965-1985
Social background of male and female students at the University of Amsterdam and the ( supposed ) relation between social background and field of study, previous training and... -
Knopen tellen of kiezen 1980 : Keuze van studie en universiteit
Concern about the diminishing nr. of first-year students ( since 1975 ) that has chosen the Vrije Universiteit as first preference in the system of distributing freshmen between... -
Doelstellingen en evaluatie van het praktijkjaar afd. chemie- chemische techn...
Necessity of training period / usefulness of training period / satisfaction. -
Doktertje spelen 1982 : Seksualiteit en eerstejaars studenten
Attitudes, knowledge and experience concerning sexuality of first-year students in medicine, obstetrics and ergotherapy. Opinions, knowledge and experience concerning sexuality... -
Konflikt en radikalisme 1970
Attitude towards the university / political attitude / family background / relation to parents with regard to education / authoritarianism of parents / experiences in high... -
Studie en studie-omstandigheden studenten biologie 1965
Study behaviour / results / opinions on study program ( teachers ) / student organizational memberships. Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/... -
Beginsituatie onderzoek stage experimenten HTO, 1975
Biographical data / financial data / leisure activities / social contacts / integration / job perspectives after study / expectations and opinions on the apprenticeship /... -
Mogelijke oorzaken en achtergronden van relatief slechte resultaten centraal ...
( file 1 ) Study program of pupils / evaluation of subjects / difficulty of physics / motivation for choosing physics. ( file 2 ) experience of teachers / kind of school /... -
Onderzoek studieduur 1963
Study efficiency / study habits / evaluation of study / relation to staff / membership of organizations / social participation / data on work and on family background.... -
Sociale akademie en beroepspraktijk 1971
Social workers leadership / management / study specialization / type of job / number of staff-members / task description of social work / most important aim of social work /... -
Werken met mensen voor mensen 1975
Expectations and motivations regarding working situation with pupils who are mentally handicapped / attitude to these pupils. Background variables: basic characteristics/... -
Studenten en studeren in de PSF 1963
Study results in period 1947-1962. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ religion/... -
Experimenteren in het propedeuse onderwijs 1970
Effects of introduction on knowledge about study / opinions on introduction and lectures / frequency of attending lectures / purpose of lectures / ( intended ) changes in... -
Studenten en hun onderwijs 1976
Allport-Vernon-Lindzey value study / attitude towards and behaviour in study / sociometric data / goals / norms and expectations during study / description of study situation /...