92 datasets found

Keywords: horizontal branch stars

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  • First-overtone RR Lyrae stars from OGLE

    We analysed photometry for the up-to-date collection of the first-overtone RR Lyrae stars (RRc; 11415 stars) and double-mode RR Lyrae stars (RRd; 148 stars) towards the Galactic...
  • BHB stars reveal halo's metal-rich progenitor

    Using the data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Gaia satellite, we assemble a pure sample of ~3000 blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars with 7D information, including...
  • UVIT-HST-GAIA view of NGC 288 hot stars

    A complete census of the blue horizontal branch (BHB) and blue straggler star (BSS) population within a 10' radius from the centre of the globular cluster NGC 288 is presented,...
  • AGB and RGB stars in {omega} Cen

    We herein determine the average integrated mass-loss from stars belonging to the dominant metal-poor population ([Fe/H]~-1.7) of the Galactic globular cluster {omega} Centauri...
  • Horizontal Branch Stellar Model Calculations

    This data set consists of evolutionary sequences from the Zero Age Horizontal Branch (ZAHB) to the point where log L/Lsun reaches 2.25 on the lower AGB. These calculations have...
  • Red giant clump in the Tycho-2 catalog

    The Tycho-2 proper motions and Tycho-2 and 2MASS photometry are used to select 97348 red giant clump (RGC) stars. The interstellar extinction and photometric distance are...
  • Blazhko effect in the first overtone RR Lyrae

    We present the analysis of the Blazhko effect - quasi-periodic modulation of pulsation amplitude and/or phase - in the Galactic bulge first overtone RR Lyrae stars (RRc). We...
  • Field RR Lyrae stars

    This paper presents an extensive overview of known and proposed RR Lyrae stars in binaries. The aim is to revise and extend the list with new Galactic field systems. We utilized...
  • TP-AGB stars contribution in SFR

    We study the debated contribution from thermally pulsing asymptotic-giant-branch (TP-AGB) stars in evolutionary population synthesis models. We investigate the spectral energy...
  • LMC post-AGB, post-RGB star and YSOs

    We have carried out a search for optically visible post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (post- AGB) stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). First, we selected candidates with a...
  • Bayesian analysis of resolved stellar spectra

    We introduce a Bayesian method for fitting faint, resolved stellar spectra in order to obtain simultaneous estimates of redshift and stellar-atmospheric parameters. We apply the...
  • NGC 2808 HB stars abundances

    We present an abundance analysis of 96 horizontal branch (HB) stars in NGC 2808, a globular cluster exhibiting a complex multiple stellar population pattern. These stars are...
  • BHB and RR Lyrae towards Anticentre and NGP

    We identify 51 blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars, 12 possible BHB stars and 58 RR Lyrae stars in Anticentre fields. Their selection does not depend on their kinematics. Light...
  • Blue and red spectra of {omega} Cen HB stars

    The multiphase interstellar medium (ISM) is highly structured, on scales from the size of the Solar System to that of a galaxy. In particular, small-scale structures are...
  • HK-Survey field horizontal-branch candidates

    We present coordinates and available photometric information (either from previous or recent broadband UBV observations, and near-infrared photometry from the 2MASS Point Source...
  • UBVRcIc photometry of FHB and metal-poor stars

    We report broadband UBV and/or BVR_C_I_C_ CCD photometry for a total of 1857 stars in the thick-disk and halo populations of the Galaxy. The majority of our targets were...
  • Catalog of FHB stars aligned with HVCs

    We present a catalog of 430 field horizontal branch (FHB) stars, selected from the Hamburg/ESO Survey (HES), which fortuitously align with high column density neutral hydrogen...
  • Horizontal-branch and A-type star catalog. II

    We present coordinates and brightness estimates for 4175 candidate field horizontal-branch and A-type stars, in the magnitude range 10<=B<=15.5, selected using an...
  • Above-horizontal-branch (AHB) stars in Gal. GCs

    We have carried out a search for above-horizontal-branch (AHB) stars-objects lying above the horizontal branch (HB) and blueward of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) in the...
  • Spectroscopic obs. in ATLAS and Aliqa Uma streams

    We present the first spectroscopic measurements of the ATLAS and Aliqa Uma streams from the Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey (S5), in combination with the...
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