Report Big Data Workshop IOTWeek Geneva
At the IoTweek in June 2017 in Geneva RDA Europe organised a workshop on big data together with the IoT Forum and a session on big data together with BDVA. The workshop had as... -
Slovenian pop and folk-pop music, 2023
Raziskava je potekala v letih 2022/2023 v okviru raziskovalnega projekta Slovenska narodnozabavna glasba kot politika: percepcije, recepcije in identitete, ki se izvaja na... -
Touched by Tragedy
Even though humans are afraid of death, they are drawn to stories that feature death and tragedy. Extending previous findings, this research examined conditions under which... -
New Immigrant Survey - the Netherlands - Version 2
The New Immigrant Survey (NIS2NL) is a longitudinal panel study on early integration processes of recent migrants to the Netherlands. NIS2NL is targeted at Bulgarian, Polish,... -
Dataset Touched by Tragedy Study
This experimental study assessed if specific existential conditions motivate narrative processing of tragic entertainment about loss. Participants were assigned to a 3 (MSS:... -
New Immigrant Survey - the Netherlands
The New Immigrant Survey (NIS2NL) is a longitudinal panel study on early integration processes of recent migrants to the Netherlands. NIS2NL is targeted at Bulgarian, Polish,... -
Identifying oil price shocks with global, developed, and emerging latent real...
This is the replication package for the empirical results in "Identifying oil price shocks with global, developed, and emerging latent real economy activity factors" by Antoine... -
INS identification of adsorption sites in catalysts for selective oxidation o...
Current stringent environmental regulations oblige to treat hydrogen sulphide (H2S) emissions originated in petroleum refineries and gas plants. Claus processes are the most... -
Using arbitrary precision arithmetic to sharpen identification analysis for D...
Replication materials (code and final results) for "Using arbitrary precision arithmetic to sharpen identification analysis for DSGE models", published in Journal of Applied... -
Did Protestantism promote prosperity via higher human capital? Replicating th...
This paper shows that the Becker-Woessmann reformulation of the Weber thesis-Protestants were more prosperous in 19th-century Prussia because they had higher human capital-is... -
Generalized band spectrum estimation with an application to the New Keynesian...
This paper proposes a new method for estimating linear dynamic structural models. The proposed generalized band spectrum estimator (GBSE) generalizes band spectrum regression to... -
International spillovers of forward guidance shocks (replication data)
We estimate a two-country model of the United States and Canada over the post 2009 sample to study the cross-country spillovers of forward guidance shocks. To do so, we propose... -
Mind(d)ing the President: A text analytic approach to measuring tax news
This data set contains supplementary materials for "Mind(d)ing the President: A text analytic approach to measuring tax news". It consists of the estimation results of the topic... -
Minimum level of taxonomic identification of benthic invertebrates by-catches...
Ifremer conducts numerous fisheries surveys dedicated to benthic and demersal populations (commercial / non-commercial fishes and invertebrates). For several years, in...