Sediment echosounder raw data (IXblue Echoes 10000 working area dataset) of t...
Sub-bottom profiles were acquired in the lagoon of Orbetello in 2021 and 2022 using an Exail Echoes 10000 profiler, in water depths of 1.0 to 1.5 m. The surveys allowed... -
Optical IP Camera images (VIS_INFRALAN_02) at the remote sensing site on the ...
The Optical IP Camera was attached to the remote sensing hut during the MOSAiC expedition, saving 4K images in JPEG format in 5 minute intervals. It was installed during MOSAiC... -
Optical IP Camera images (VIS_INFRALAN_01) at the remote sensing site on the ...
The Optical IP Camera was mostly observing the snow surface and aligned instruments at the remote sensing site during the MOSAiC expedition in the central Arctic, saving 4K... -
Results of nodule detection along OFOS tracks of RV SONNE cruise SO268
Photos were acquired by a camera (ID: SO_CAM-1_Photo_OFOS) mounted on a towed OFOS camera platform (ID: SO_PFM-01_OFOS) during research cruise SO268 of RV SONNE. Twelve... -
Documentation of sediment core GeoB24011-1
Field data: Core images of gravity corer sediments collected during project Kerguelen Plateau Sediment Drifts with RV Sonne Cruise SO272 in 2020. Images of core sections were... -
Documentation of sediment core GeoB24010-1
Field data: Core images of gravity corer sediments collected during project Kerguelen Plateau Sediment Drifts with RV Sonne Cruise SO272 in 2020. Images of core sections were... -
Documentation of sediment core GeoB24009-1
Field data: Core images of gravity corer sediments collected during project Kerguelen Plateau Sediment Drifts with RV Sonne Cruise SO272 in 2020. Images of core sections were... -
Documentation of sediment core GeoB24008-1
Field data: Core images of gravity corer sediments collected during project Kerguelen Plateau Sediment Drifts with RV Sonne Cruise SO272 in 2020. Images of core sections were... -
Documentation of sediment core GeoB24007-1
Field data: Core images of gravity corer sediments collected during project Kerguelen Plateau Sediment Drifts with RV Sonne Cruise SO272 in 2020. Images of core sections were... -
Documentation of sediment core GeoB24006-1
Field data: Core images of gravity corer sediments collected during project Kerguelen Plateau Sediment Drifts with RV Sonne Cruise SO272 in 2020. Images of core sections were... -
Documentation of sediment core GeoB24005-1
Field data: Core images of gravity corer sediments collected during project Kerguelen Plateau Sediment Drifts with RV Sonne Cruise SO272 in 2020. Images of core sections were... -
Documentation of sediment core GeoB24004-1
Field data: Core images of gravity corer sediments collected during project Kerguelen Plateau Sediment Drifts with RV Sonne Cruise SO272 in 2020. Images of core sections were... -
Documentation of sediment core GeoB24003-1
Field data: Core images of gravity corer sediments collected during project Kerguelen Plateau Sediment Drifts with RV Sonne Cruise SO272 in 2020. Images of core sections were... -
Documentation of sediment core GeoB24001-1
Field data: Core images of gravity corer sediments collected during project Kerguelen Plateau Sediment Drifts with RV Sonne Cruise SO272 in 2020. Images of core sections were... -
Radiance fields of clouds and the Arctic surface measured by a digital camera...
During the HALO-(AC)3 campaign performed in March/April 2022 a downward-looking commercial digital camera equipped with a 180° - fisheye lens was installed on the aircraft Polar... -
EKKD115: Eesti mitmekeelse keelekeskkonna andmestik
Siin repositooriumis on projekti "Eesti mitmekeelse keelekeskkonna andmestik" raames kogutud tekstid ja link keelemaastike pildikaardile. 1) Eesti-inglise kakskeelsete... -
Radiance fields of clouds and the Arctic surface measured by a digital camera...
During the ACLOUD (Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day ) campaign in May / June 2017 a downward-looking commercial digital camera equipped... -
Histological micrographs (Masson's trichrome stain) of Antarctic deep-water s...
This image dataset provides histological micrographs of Antarctic deep-water sponges (Demospongiae and Hexactinellida) collected for study of microbial symbionts and histology... -
Histological micrographs (Hematoxylin/Eosin stain) of Antarctic deep-water sp...
This image dataset provides histological micrographs of Antarctic deep-water sponges (Demospongiae and Hexactinellida) collected for study of microbial symbionts and histology... -
Replication Data for: The 3-billion fossil question: How to automate classifi...
This dataset consists of 100,000 PNG images of individual microfossils extracted from whole slide images of fossils from a single wellbore. The well in question belongs to the...