Yle Uutisten verokysely, heinäkuu 2009
Tutkimuksessa esitettiin vastaajille verotusta koskevia väittämiä, jotka käsittelivät veromielipiteitä yleisellä tasolla ja sisälsivät myös konkreettisia ehdotuksia siitä, mistä... -
Åsikter om ojämlikhet i Sverige 1991
The survey deals with Swede's attitudes towards inequality. Questions asked are mainly taken from the 1987 'Social inequality' module of the International Social Survey Program... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1968
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1977
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1978
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1979
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1980
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1981
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1982
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1983
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1984
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1985
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1986
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1969
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1987
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1988
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1989
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1990
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1991
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of... -
SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1992
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...