Abundances of infaunal macrobenthic organisms collected from van Veen grab sa...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO). It contains a total of 10,839 abundance records of 1,126 infaunal macrobenthic taxa... -
Abundance of macrozoobenthos in surface sediments sampled with a multiboxcore...
Macrozoobenthos was sampled with a multibox corer deployed during R/V Polarstern expeditions ANT VI/3, VII/4, XIII/3, XV/3, XVII/3, XXI/2, XXVII/3, and XXIX/9 (PS82), which took... -
Biomass (in gC/m²) of macrozoobenthos in surface sediments sampled with a mul...
Macrozoobenthos was sampled with a multibox corer deployed during R/V Polarstern expeditions ANT VI/3, VII/4, XIII/3, XV/3, XVII/3, XXI/2, XXVII/3, and XXIX/9 (PS82), which took... -
Response of benthic communities to trawling cessation in the German Bight (No...
Makrozoobenthos of soft-bottom benthic communiy was collected by van-Veen grabs and beam trawls to sample the infauna and epifauna. Samples were collected between 2003 and 2004... -
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from cold water coral habitats off northwes...
The dataset compiles counts of fossil benthic foraminifera from 69 sediment samples collected from marine sediment core +59-07/293VE retrieved in cold-water coral mounds....