A syntax/semantic confusion amidst our increasing science data-to-knowledge s...
Computers have increased the binding between science data and knowledge. However, what current computers can and can’t do is often unclear. This distinction can be clarified by... -
Youth '95
Osnovni cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti temeljne življenjske in socialne pogoje študentk in študentov, kako nanje gledajo in kako se na njih odzivajo v obdobju intenzivne... -
Youth '97
Projekt Prosti čas mladih v Ljubljani je del večletnega kontinuiranega programa teoretskega in empiričnega raziskovanja mladine (glej tudi: MLA85, MLA93, MLA95, MLA98 in MLA00).... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1992/3
Raziskava je standardna SJM z večino vprašanj ponovljenih iz katere od preteklih anket SJM, med drugim tudi vrsta vprašanj iz serije Politbarometer. Posebej je izrazit blok... -
Intervju med Erik Sandewall och Liselott Thornell för bokkapitlet "Linköping ...
Part of the material for the book chapter "Linköping University Electronic Press: ett icke-kommersiellt open access-förlag" is based on Peter Berkesand's interview with... -
Test of templates for the European patient information leaflet for medicines ...
In this project we performed an international study, done in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands into the effectiveness of the European template for patient information... -
Metod för identifiering av metaforiska scener (PIMS): rumsliga och abstrakta ...
This study tackles the tricky problem of identifying metaphors in language that includes prepositions (e.g., Reijnierse, 2019, Herrmann et al., 2019, Nacey et al. 2019, Marhula... -
Metod för identifiering av metaforiska scener (PIMS): rumsliga och abstrakta ...
This study tackles the tricky problem of identifying metaphors in language that includes prepositions (e.g., Reijnierse, 2019, Herrmann et al., 2019, Nacey et al. 2019, Marhula... -
CAPTURE enkät om skapande och användning av arkeologisk data
An online survey targeted to individuals who, according to themselves, had previously used and/or created, collected or deposited archaeological data (understood broadly,... -
GENA: databas för svenska avhandlingar inom genusforskning
The GENA database was initiated in 2001 by KvinnSam, Gothenburg University Library, on behalf of the National Secretariat for Gender Research. The database was finalized in 2022... -
A µSR study of unconventional spin fluctuation mediated superconductivity in ...
One of us has recently found experimental evidence for unconventional superconductivity in a newly synthesized three-dimensional nearly antiferromagnetic metal, LaAg1−xMnx... -
The dynamics of a hydride in a metal cage: a study of [(Ph3P)2N] [HCo6(CO)15].
We propose to collect, on TOSCA, the IINS spectrum of the [(Ph3P)2N] [HCo6(CO)15] complex to obtain information on the dynamics of the interstitial hydride and the influence, on... -
Spin relaxation of short-lived spin-labelled radicals in solution
The spin relaxation rates of free radicals in solution can provide valuable information about the dynamics of molecular tumbling in solution, and solvent-radical interactions.... -
Neutron scattering study on dynamics of cytochrome c in MCM41
Studies of internal dynamics in the pico seconds timescale, of cyt c trapped in MCM-41, would allow the forms, geometry, amplitudes and time-dependence of the motions involved... -
High-pressure and variable-temperature studies of RDX
Previous studies have suggested that a high-pressure form of the widely used secondary explosive RDX can be obtained above ~4 GPa and 488 K. This phase is reported to be... -
Towards an accurate structural phase diagram for the novel BiScO3-PbTiO3 ferr...
The aim of this experiment is to determine accurately the crystal structures of phases in the (1-x)BiScO3-xPbTiO3 (BST-PT) perovskite phase diagram, particularly in the vicinity... -
Investigating the effect of pore structure upon interactions of hydrogen with...
Three MOFs samples with high hydrogen storage capacities at 77K, and high surface area, are willing to be analyzed. In order to investigate hydrogen interactions within the... -
Amide monolayers at the polymer melt air interface
This proposal seeks to identify and characterise the adsorption of primary linear amides that adsorb to the surface from the bulk of a polymer melt. These layers are... -
Defect Structure in Lead Doped Bismuth Yttrates
Stabilised bismuth oxides are of interest as intermediate temperature solid electrolytes for a variety of electrochemical device applications. Lead doping into bismuth yttrate... -
Studies of Muon-Beam-Induced currents in semi-imsulating GaAs
This proposal is a continuation of our recent proposal RB 610004 where this partcurrent measurements) was not completed due to the reduced beam intensity. Currents experiment...