Conformational changes on interaction of cytochrome c with lipid monolayers.
The main objective of the present work is to gain an understanding of the interaction of the cationic protein, cyt c with anionic lipid membranes. This objective will be... -
Nucleid Acids in Solution
The aim of the experiment is investigate some nucleid acids to provide us with information about the size and shape when is dispersed in a solvent, so in a future studies to be... -
Evolving structures of oxysulfide battery materials
This proposal aims to investigate the evolution of the structures of layered oxysulfide materials which show promise as lithium ion battery electrodes. The lithiation of... -
Quasielastic scattering in stuffed spin ices: defects or low lying singlets?
The subjects of this proposal, Ho2+xTi2-xO7-x/2, are brand new materials1 related to Ho2Ti2O7, a spin ice2,3. They have the remarkable property of remaining disordered at very... -
Network compression and pressure-induced amorphisation in Zn(CN)2
Zn(CN)2 is an important material because it shows isotropic NTE over a large temperature range and to an extent more than double that of ZrW2O8. This unusual behaviour... -
Nanoemulsions for dermatological drug delivery
Nanoemulsions have considerable potential for dermatological drug delivery. Small angle neutron scattering in combination with contrast variation will be used to characterize... -
Continuation: In situ neutron diffractometry of single crystal superalloys
We propose to carry out in-situ neutron diffractometry on testpieces of a latest-generation single crystal superalloy. This work is in support of current EPSRC projects... -
Aggregation behaviour of aqueous hairy rod conjugated polyelectrolyte/surfact...
Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) will be used to characterise the structures of aggregates formed between the anionic conjugated polyelectrolyte... -
Binding of DNA to Model Membranes in the Presence of Ca2+ Ions and a Membrane...
The aim of the present work is to gain an understanding of the interaction of DNA with the phospholipid bilayers. The effect of different forms of DNA, the presence of divalent... -
Magnetic structures of antiferromagnetic heavy fermion CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 co...
CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 compounds crystallize in the tetragonal I4mm, BaNiSn3-type and display interesting bulk properties. Here we propose to investigate the magnetic structures of... -
A syntax/semantic confusion amidst our increasing science data-to-knowledge s...
Computers have increased the binding between science data and knowledge. However, what current computers can and can’t do is often unclear. This distinction can be clarified by...