European Carbonate system Time Series (November 2011 - April 2023) in the Nor...
The data includes carbonate system variables (pH, total dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity and pCO2) measured in the water column of the European Station for time... -
C/N values, as well as contents of total carbon, inorganic and organic carbon...
A shallow sediment core GeoB21367-1 was collected with a gravity corer from the region of the Sartori Mud Volcano in the Calabrian accretionary prism during cruise POS499 with... -
Total inorganic carbon (TIC) from sediment short core EN18232-1 of Lake Khamr...
Data include inorganic carbon levels (TIC given in %), determined from all 39 subsamples of lake sediment short core EN18232-1. Prior measurements, freeze-dried aliquots were... -
Light dark and daily O2 DIC CaCO3 flux data - for in vitro and in situ summe...
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Mass loss % and OC% loss of green and rooibos tea - for in vitro and in situ ...
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Stability factor (S) for in vitro and in situ summer and winter experiments
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Decomposition rates (k ) for in vitro and in situ summer and winter experiments
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Net inorganic and organic carbon production from summer and winter experiments
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Net flux O2 DIC CaCO3 flux measurements from summer and winter experiments
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Light and dark O2 DIC CaCO3 flux measurements from summer and winter experiments
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Isotope analysis from IODP Core 339-U1389A-25X
A further 48 samples were analysed for their organic carbon (TOC), CaCO~3~ and stable isotopic contents, using Elemental Analyser - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (EA-IRMS).... -
Isotope analysis from IODP Core 339-U1389A-11H
A further 48 samples were analysed for their organic carbon (TOC), CaCO~3~ and stable isotopic contents, using Elemental Analyser - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (EA-IRMS).... -
Organic carbon decomposition in rhodolith bed sediment under future climate c...
Organic carbon decomposition was measured in rhodolith beds using the Teabag Index (TBI; Keuskamp et al., (2013; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109077). The data... -
O2, dissolved inorganic carbon and CaCO3 fluxes and organic and inorganic pro...
The data includes measurements of oxygen (O2), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) fluxes. Fluxes were obtained from in vitro incubations of rhodolith... -
Canadian Arctic Archipelago Rivers Project Geochemical Data 2014-2016
This data set describes geochemical samples collected from 25 rivers and 11 lakes throughout the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA). CAA rivers were sampled as part of the... -
Age determination on tests of G. ruber in samples from gravity core M40/4-SL78-3
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Alkenone-based sea surface temperature estimates and alkenone concentrations ...
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Alkenone-based sea surface temperature estimates, alkenone concentrations and...
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Total organic carbon and total inorganic carbon content data of sediment core...
MeBo-Core GeoB18116-2 is a unique record, being a full record taken from a 60 m long cold-water coral mound in the East Melilla Coral Mound Province, Alborán Sea, Western... -
Meteor 40/4, Site 78 (Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea): AMS 14C ages, car...
Samples were obtained from cores taken aboard r/v Meteor either during the expedition or in the Core Repository of the Institute of Baltic Sea Research. Samples were punched out...