7,238 datasets found

Keywords: interdisciplinary astronomy

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  • SSHADE bandlist library

    SSHADE bandlist library.
  • SSHADE spectra library

    SSHADE spectra library.
  • EXOSAT TGS Spectra and Lightcurves

    Spectra obtained using the EXOSAT transmission grating spectrometer, TGS. There are two databases TGS and TGS2 as follows: <pre> * TGS - the grating spectra averaged over...
  • EXOSAT TGS L and R Orders

    Spectra obtained using the EXOSAT transmission grating spectrometer, TGS. There are two databases TGS and TGS2 as follows: <pre> * TGS - the grating spectra averaged over...
  • KSB-ROB TAP service

    The KSB-ROB's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus...
  • CDPP EPN-TAP server Registry

    The publishing registry for the CDPP EPN-TAP server.
  • Data Central SSA

    Spectra from surveys hosted by Data Central. Most spectra were taken with the multi-object spectroscopy facilities 2dF (Anglo-Australian Telescope) and 6dF (UK Schmidt Telescope).
  • Chandra Source Catalog Release 2.1

    The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, but renamed by...
  • Chandra Source Catalog Release 2.1

    The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory and one of NASA"s Great Observatories. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray...
  • Chandra Source Catalog Release 2

    The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, but renamed by...
  • Chandra HiPS Service

    The Chandra X-ray Observatory Data Archive provides a reference survey via the HiPS protocol. For detailed information on the Chandra Observatory and datasets see:...
  • Chandra Source Catalog Release 2

    The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory and one of NASA"s Great Observatories. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray...
  • Chandra Source Catalog Release 1

    The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, but renamed by...
  • Chandra Source Catalog

    The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, but renamed by...
  • Chandra Source Catalog

    The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory and one of NASA"s Great Observatories. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray...
  • Chandra X-ray Observatory Data Archive

    The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, but renamed by...
  • Chandra X-ray Observatory Data Archive

    The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, but renamed by...
  • Chandra Source Catalog Release 1

    The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory and one of NASA"s Great Observatories. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray...
  • CDPP EPN-TAP server TAP service

    The CDPP EPN-TAP server's TAP end point. The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload your own...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).