Magnetic Excitations in Low-dimensional Antiferromagnet KFe2Se3
The proposal aims to measure the powder averaged magnetic excitations in KFe2Se3. The compound is related to the recently discovered Fe-Se,As superconductors and is based upon... -
Ba4Mn3O10 and Sr4Mn3O10 crystallize in an orthorhombic crystal structure consisting of corrugated layers containing Mn3O12 polydedra. The magnetic susceptibility of the... -
Phonon density of states in W, Mo, Nb-doped CaMnO3 thermoelectric ceramics
Thermoelectric materials are able to directly convert a difference of temperature into electricity and vice-versa. Hence, they can be employed either in energy harvesting from... -
Spin excitations in RbFe2F6 and CsFe2F6 A possible S=5/2 Kagome lattice?
Geometrically frustrated spin systems are important owing to the fact that the geometry often suppresses conventional mean field ground states in favor of more unconventional... -
Magnetic Excitations in Low-dimensional Antiferromagnet KFe2Se3
The proposal aims to measure the powder averaged magnetic excitations in KFe2Se3. The compound is related to the recently discovered Fe-Se,As superconductors and is based upon... -
Study of spin wave and crystal field effect in R2RuO5 (R = Pr, Nd, Tb
R2RuO5 (R = Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb) are known to exhibit interesting physical properties. They all show magnetic ordering between 8 ¿ 24 K. They also show large Sommerfeld... -
Detailed Measurements of the Crystalline Electric Field of Shastry-Sutherland...
We are proposing to accurately map out the crystal electric field (CEF) levels in NdB4, ErB4 and HoB4 using MARI. These compounds belong to a family, REB4, which is a rare...