Separationer och mäns våld mot kvinnor
Separationer och mäns våld mot kvinnor är en studie som syftar till att öka kunskapen om sambandet mellan mäns våld mot kvinnor och separationer. Studien är en avhandling vid... -
Ageing in Women and Men: A Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences in Health...
The Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences in Health Behaviour and Health among Elderly (GENDER) is a study of unlike-sex twin pairs born between 1906 and 1925 (Gold et al.,... -
Ageing in Women and Men: A Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences in Health...
The Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences in Health Behaviour and Health among Elderly (GENDER) is a study of unlike-sex twin pairs born between 1906 and 1925 (Gold et al.,... -
Ageing in Women and Men: A Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences in Health...
The Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences in Health Behaviour and Health among Elderly (GENDER) is a study of unlike-sex twin pairs born between 1906 and 1925 (Gold et al.,... -
Ageing in Women and Men: A Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences in Health...
The Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences in Health Behaviour and Health among Elderly (GENDER) is a study of unlike-sex twin pairs born between 1906 and 1925 (Gold et al.,... -
Ageing in Women and Men: A Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences in Health...
The Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences in Health Behaviour and Health among Elderly (GENDER) is a study of unlike-sex twin pairs born between 1906 and 1925 (Gold et al.,... -
Underrättsprotokoll, Uppland, Sverige 1638, "Per Larssons dombok", (urval)
The aim of the project is to provide a clearer picture of what men and women actually did to support themselves in early modern Sweden (approximately 1550 to 1800) and to... -
Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) - Sweden Wave 1
The Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) is a Social Science Research Infrastructure that provides micro- and macro-level data which significantly improve the knowledge base... -
Afrint I-III
The project aims to analyse broad based agricultural growth from a gender perspective, and to situate these processes locally, against the backdrop of national agricultural... -
Anhörigvård 1993
In Sweden the municipalities have the responsibility to provide the elderly, ill and disabled with the assistance they need to make home living possible. Still, most caring take... -
Kön och preferenser i ett slumpmässigt urval - Kombinerat experiment och surv...
The data is from an experimental study of a simple random sample of about 1000 adults from the Swedish population. The sample is similar by gender, age, income and education to... -
Kön och preferenser i ett slumpmässigt urval - Kombinerat experiment och surv...
The data is from an experimental study of a simple random sample of about 1000 adults from the Swedish population. The sample is similar by gender, age, income and education to... -
Kön och preferenser i ett slumpmässigt urval - Kombinerat experiment och surv...
The data is from an experimental study of a simple random sample of about 1000 adults from the Swedish population. The sample is similar by gender, age, income and education to... -
Kön och preferenser i ett slumpmässigt urval - Kombinerat experiment och surv...
The data is from an experimental study of a simple random sample of about 1000 adults from the Swedish population. The sample is similar by gender, age, income and education to...