Amsterdammers over misdaad en politie, 1990
General opinion about the police of Amsterdam and their surveillance / perceived chance to become a victim / feelings of insecurity in the whole city, in one's own district and... -
Havendiefstallen 1966-1967
Opinions on legislation and judiciary in the Netherlands / job satisfaction / opinions on management of harbour installations / opinions on and knowledge of penalties for small... -
Netherlands survey on criminality and law enforcement 1996
This survey contains a large amount of information dealing with events spanning the life course. Demographic and social characteristics / perception of crime in neighbourhood:... -
Funkties van juristen 1973
Detailed occupational characteristics / detailed function description / degree of independence / evaluation of academic education. Background variables: basic characteristics/... -
Rij- en drinkgewoonten 1970-1975
Driving habits / drinking habits / purpose and route of trip / car and passengers / knowledge of law / measurement of alcohol consumption / opinions on use of alcohol and... -
Schadebemiddeling bij verdachten 1993-1994 : Evaluatie Terwee
The study tries to ascertain the effects of a new law (Law Terwee), that helps police to negotiate settlement of damage claims between victim and crime suspect. Two independent... -
Euthanasie en hulp bij zelfdoding door huisartsen 1990
Investigation on the practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide by family doctors Description of r.'s practice / r.s attitude to one's right of self-determination, euthanasia... -
Arbeidsconflicten als oorzaak van arbeidsongeschiktheid 1995
Cases of absenteeism (sick leave) where an appeal was made to the Health Law, have been described by means of three identical questionnaires filled in by the persons involved:... -
Individual freedom of choice in the field of social insurance - KSV 2001
This study examines: 1) the public's view on a number of hypothetical schemes, in which they may opt for greater freedom of choice in social insurance. This can be seen as a... -
Slachtofferenquete WODC, 1976
Determining number of Dutch citizens who fell victim to crime/ reaction of police to notification of crime/ opinion of population on crime. Nr. and nature of crimes r fell... -
Gebruik van autogordels 1970-1973
Data on use or non-use of safety-belts among motorists / attitude towards use of safety-belts and knowledge of their effectiveness / effects of information program by Veilig... -
Delegatie van wetgeving 1965-1974
Description of decrees made by authorities / government. -
Jeugdcriminaliteit, 1986
Self-reported criminal activities of Dutch youth aged between 12 and 17 and related values and beliefs, opinions and behaviour. school-motivation / nationality of parents / (... -
Slachtoffers van delikten 1973
Experiences with being a victim of some criminal act / specific cases / opinions about punishment of the offender / characteristics of offender. -
SZW / ZARA Werkgeverspanel
Panel study (13 waves) of employers monitoring working conditions, absence, incapacity and reintegration after illness. What are the effects of new laws in these fields. The... -
Juridisch konsultatiebureau 1971 : Rechtsbijstand op het politiebureau
Biographical data suspect / type of crime / previous convictions / contacts with people or institutions / probability of imprisonment / client's attitude to imprisonment /... -
Eigendom 1974 : Een sociologische benadering
Information concerning the following question: a person loses an article ( through loss or theft ), and finds it with someone who obtained it in good faith ( shop, auction, ad,... -
Evaluatie van de Wet Voorzieningen Gehandicapten : Derde Meting: Panelenquête...
Evaluation of the Act concerning the provision of amenities for the handicapped (WVG) dated 1994 as implemented on the municipal level. Both qualitative and quantitative data... -
Huishoudens in Nederland 1994 - HIN'94
Detailed data on the composition, characteristics and internal organization of dutch households with particular emphasis on married and cohabiting couple relationships. Family... -
Internationale slachtofferenquête, 1989
The international crime survey 1989 was intended to supply comparative data for 14 countries on crime and victimization Victim of: theft of-from vehicles/ vandalism/ robbery/...