H70, kohort 1: 70-åringar födda 1901/02
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 3: 70-åringar födda 1911/12
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 4: 75-åringar födda 1915/16
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 5: 70-åringar födda 1922
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 6: 70-åringar födda 1930
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H70, kohort 7: 70-åringar födda 1944
H70 is one of the longitudinal population studies from Gothenburg where representative study samples of older people have been followed over a long period of time (metadata... -
H85, kohort 2: 85-åringar födda 1923/24
'H85' is one of the longitudinal studies from Gothenburg where representative populations of older people has been followed over a long period. (Information about the studies... -
Kommunala valrörelser 1979 - Medborgarundersökningen
The second project started as a result of a decision of the Swedish Parliament taken in December 1978. The research program was designed by a government commission, the... -
Kommunala valrörelser 1979 - Femkommunsundersökningen
The second project started as a result of a decision of the Swedish Parliament taken in December 1978. The research program was designed by a government commission, the... -
Åldrandet i samhället: Våra bostäder 1982
This data collection is designed to increase knowledge concerning housing conditions for the elderly. Major areas of investigation include living conditions, the importance of... -
Kvinnor i Sverige 1981 - om familj och arbetsliv
This investigation on Swedish women aged 20-45 years shed light on their views on family and working life. The questions are divided into nine parts: Background describe marital... -
Svenskt lantbruk under omställning - lantbrukshushållens villkor och strategi...
This is a survey of farming households in three different areas of Sweden. Swedish agriculture is presently undergoing a radical reorganization. Regulation systems are... -
Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv 1999
The project 'Family and Working Life in Sweden' (YAPS) started in 1998. The aim of the project was to build up a longitudinal data base for studies of the mutual connection of... -
Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv 2003
The project 'Family and Working Life in Sweden' (YAPS) started in 1998. The aim of the project was to build up a longitudinal data base for studies of the mutual connection of... -
Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv - Panel 1999-2003, ...
The project 'Family and Working Life in Sweden' (YAPS) started in 1998. The aim of the project was to build up a longitudinal data base for studies of the mutual connection of... -
Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv - Panel 1999-2003, ...
The project 'Family and Working Life in Sweden' (YAPS) started in 1998. The aim of the project was to build up a longitudinal data base for studies of the mutual connection of... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2003
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the eighteenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute... -
Akademiker under 90-talet - En studie av SACO-medlemmars arbetsvillkor - Akad...
The purpose of the survey was to obtain current knowledge about the work situation, as well as deepened understanding for important conditions, for different occupational groups... -
ISSP 2011 - Åsikter om hälsa
This survey is the Swedish part of the 2011 'International Social Survey Program' (ISSP), and it is the first time an ISSP-survey is focusing on health. Purpose: ISSP aims to... -
SOM-undersökningen i Skåne 2015
This is the sixth SOM survey conducted in the region of Skåne. The questionnaire was divided into ten subject fields: Local news; Politics and democracy; To live in Skåne;...