Tokeniserad produktinformation för centralt godkända läkemedel inom EU (extra...
The text corpus was compiled on May 3, 2022, by scripted downloading of all available English language product information files for all centrally approved medicinal products... -
RWAAI: Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage
The Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage (RWAAI) is a digital multimedia resource dedicated to the maintenance of research materials documenting the... -
Textkorpus: Akademiska texter – Humaniora
A corpus with academic texts (14,471,177 tokens, 673,820 sentences). This corpus can be searched through the Språkbanken Korp interface:... -
Engelsk-svensk guldstandard för ordlänkning (GES)
Reference corpus for word linking, divided into training data and test data. The sentences come from the English and Swedish parts of Europarl. Data are created from the... -
Språkrådets finskspråkiga språkvårdstidskrift: Kieliviesti
Kieliviesti is a Finnish language periodical on language cultivation from the Swedish Language Council. Content includes advice regarding terminology and translation as well as... -
Tre berättelser på kagulu, ett bantuspråk från Tanzania
The study comprises five stories told in the Bantu language Kagulu of Tanzania. The stories are available as sound recordings as well as glossed transcriptions. However, the... -
Tre berättelser på kagulu, ett bantuspråk från Tanzania_2
The study comprises five stories told in the Bantu language Kagulu of Tanzania. The stories are available as sound recordings as well as glossed transcriptions. However, the... -
Dokumentation av det centralafrikanska bantuspråket mpiemo (A86c)
The overall aim of the study has been to document and preserve the minority language Mpiemo as well as to analyse it from a linguistic perspective. The language is spoken in... -
Dokumentation av det centralafrikanska bantuspråket mpiemo (A86c)_2
The overall aim of the study has been to document and preserve the minority language Mpiemo as well as to analyse it from a linguistic perspective. The language is spoken in... -
Dokumentation av det centralafrikanska bantuspråket mpiemo (A86c)_3
The overall aim of the study has been to document and preserve the minority language Mpiemo as well as to analyse it from a linguistic perspective. The language is spoken in... -
Dokumentation av det centralafrikanska bantuspråket mpiemo (A86c)_4
The overall aim of the study has been to document and preserve the minority language Mpiemo as well as to analyse it from a linguistic perspective. The language is spoken in... -
Dokumentation av det centralafrikanska bantuspråket mpiemo (A86c)_5
The overall aim of the study has been to document and preserve the minority language Mpiemo as well as to analyse it from a linguistic perspective. The language is spoken in... -
Event conceptualisation and aspect in L2 English and Persian: An application ...
The data have been used in an investigation for a PhD thesis in English Linguistics on similarities and differences in the use of the progressive aspect in two different... -
RWAAI: Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage
The Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage (RWAAI) is a digital multimedia resource dedicated to the maintenance of research materials documenting the... -
Transcriptions des brouillons du roman "La Réticence" de Jean-Philippe Toussaint
Les brouillons tapuscrits et annotés de la Réticence (Jean-Philippe Toussaint, Éditions de minuit, 1991) ont été confié par leur auteur à l’UMR Litt&Arts (UMR 5316 – Arts et... -
Background Data for: "Sprogovergribende og -bevidstgørende materialer til fre...
This dataset consists of a collection of grammatical descriptions of the linguistic phenomenon 'voice' as it is presented in six different grammar books. The descriptions are... -
Discursive construction of neighborhood across Brooklyn: A corpus-ethnographi...
This data set consists of several sub-corpora used for the analysis of the discursive construction of 'neighborhood' in Brooklyn, New York. It comprises orthographic... -
Reference Corpus Middle Low German/Low Rhenish (1200–1650); Referenzkorpus Mi...
Search the corpus in ANNIS | Korpussuche in ANNIS The project "Reference Corpus Middle Low German/Low Rhenish (1200–1650)", abbreviated as "ReN", is... -
Subset of KoLaS (Commented Learner Corpus Academic Writing), Plain Text Version
For this upload, all Word files (.doc and .docx) in the original KoLaS corpus were converted to plain text. For more information... -
Data and R code for 'Speed as a dimension of manner in Estonian frog stories'...
Data and statistical code used in the paper "Speed as a dimension of manner in Estonian frog stories" (accepted by the Journal of Nordic Linguistics in 2022)