Neutron diffraction study of crystal structures and magnetism in PbRuO3 perov...
We have synthesised the ill characterised perovskite PbRuO3 at high pressure and temperature. Synchrotron powder x-ray diffraction shows the room temperature structure to be... -
Observation of the magnetisation profile in a ferromagnetic semiconductor/fer...
Ferromagnetic III-V semiconductors lie at the confluence of magnetic storage and optoelectronic technologies, allowing the development of semiconductor heterostructure devices... -
Observation of the magnetisation profile in a ferromagnetic semiconductor/fer...
Ferromagnetic III-V semiconductors lie at the confluence of magnetic storage and optoelectronic technologies, allowing the development of semiconductor heterostructure devices... -
PNR measurements of the induced magnetisation in nanocarbon.
Nanocarbon materials such as C60 show fascinating transport properties when in contact with a ferromagnet. Previous results indicate that this could be due to a spin polarized... -
A Study of the Reduced interfacial Magnetisation in a Heusler/Insualator Tunn...
For many Heusler compounds a spin polarisation close to 100% was predicted by band structure calculations. Thus if those materials are incorporated in magnetic tunnel junctions,... -
Quantification of the temperature dependent magnetisation profile in a ferrom...
The realisation of room temperature magnetic semiconductors would be a significant milestone on the route to the next generation of spintronic materials. Raising the ordering... -
Spin crossover and low temperature spin dynamics in In2VO5
The one dimensional material In2VO5 contains frustrated zigzag chains of corner sharing V 4+ (S = 1/2) square based pyramids interspersed with sheets of edge sharing InO6... -
Temperature dependent interface magnetisation of Heusler compounds in magneti...
A large magnetoresistance (TMR) is expected when half metallic ferromagnets are used in magnetic tunneling junctions with polycrystalline AlOx barrier. We have recently observed... -
Electric field induced magnetisation in BiFeO3 - PbTiO3 thin films
High quality epitaxial films of the multiferroic BiFeO3 - PbTiO3 have been prepared using pulsed laser deposition. Using an electric field, we will induce a ferroelectrically...