Telemetry data obtained from GPS/Argos tracking of 10 harbour seals (Phoca vi...
Tracking data of 10 harbour seals and 2 grey seals were obtained from the deployment of GPS Argos Satellite Relay Data Loggers (SRDLs) developed by the Sea Mammal Research Unit... -
Fine-scale behavioral reactions of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) towar...
Observations were made to investigate the behavioral reactions of wild harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) towards pingers (banana pinger (Fishtek)). We did video recordings of... -
Foraging data to model energy acquisition and requirements of sperm whales (P...
Information on foraging behaviour is critical for modelling estimations of energy acquisition and requirements of top predators and consequently to predict how animals will be... -
Telemetry data obtained from Fastloc GPS/GSM tracking of 7 grey seals (Halich...
Tracking data of 7 grey seals were obtained from the deployment of Fastloc GPS/GSM tags developed by the Sea Mammal Research Unit (UK). Full tag description is available at:... -
Telemetry data obtained from Fastloc GPS/GSM tracking of 14 harbour seals (Ph...
Tracking data of 14 harbour seals were obtained from the deployment of Fastloc GPS/GSM tags developed by the Sea Mammal Research Unit (UK). Full tag description is available at:... -
Telemetry data obtained from Fastloc GPS/GSM tracking of 15 harbour seals (Ph...
Tracking data of 15 harbour seals and 12 grey seals were obtained from the deployment of Fastloc GPS/GSM tags developed by the Sea Mammal Research Unit (UK). Full tag... -
Telemetry data obtained from Fastloc GPS/GSM tracking of 18 harbour seals (Ph...
Tracking data of 18 harbour seals and 9 grey seals were obtained from the deployment of Fastloc GPS/GSM tags developed by the Sea Mammal Research Unit Instrumentation Group... -
Telemetry data obtained from Fastloc GPS/GSM tracking of 10 harbour seals (Ph...
Tracking data of 10 harbour seals and 16 grey seals were obtained from the deployment of Fastloc GPS/GSM tags developed by the Sea Mammal Research Unit (UK). Full tag... -
Telemetry data obtained from Fastloc GPS/GSM tracking of 30 harbour seals (Ph...
Tracking data of 30 harbour seals and 33 grey seals were obtained from the deployment of Fastloc GPS/GSM tags developed by the Sea Mammal Research Unit (UK). Full tag...