Compilation of trophic positions of marine biota from the central and Northea...
Fractional trophic levels (i.e., trophic positions) describe the position of organisms within food webs and help define their functional roles in ecosystems (Odum & Heald,... -
Compilation of stable nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios of marine biota from...
Bulk stable isotope ratios, primarily of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N), are increasingly used to examine predator-prey interactions and food web structure. We compiled δ13C... -
Compilation of stomach content data for mesopelagic fish and predator species...
Stomach contents analysis is a standard dietary assessment method that potentially enables quantifying diet components with high taxonomic resolution. We compiled diet... -
Polymers identified in loggerhead turtles (Carretta caretta) stranded or byca...
Observations of investigations for plastic ingestion in loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta), stranded or bycaught on the coastline of North Cyprus (Eastern Mediterranean). A... -
Macroplastic ingestion in loggerhead turtles (Carretta caretta) stranded or b...
Observations of investigations for plastic ingestion in loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta), stranded or bycaught on the coastline of North Cyprus (Eastern Mediterranean). A...