Average January (tmJ) paleotemperature of north-west Yakutia
Reconstructions of mean January temperatures (Tmean Jan., oC) were carried out by comparing the isotope composition of modern ice veinlets (δ18Oiv) and mean January temperatures... -
AMS radiocarbon data of organic material from the ice wedges and paleo-winter...
The Batagay megaslump is the largest one on the Earth and located close to the Batagay settlement on the right bank of the Yana River in Yakutia, eastern Siberia. Radiocarbon... -
δ18О and δ2H values in ice wedges and 14C age ranges of Batagay ice complex
Ranges of minimum (Min.), maximum (Max.) and mean of δ18О and δ2H values in ice wedges as well as 14C age ranges of isotope records of Upper Ice Complex of Batagay. -
Conventional and AMS radiocarbon dates in the sediments of Batagay_1 yedoma
Conventional and AMS radiocarbon dates in the sediments surrounding IW-3 of Batagay yedoma. (a) The resulting 14C ages were calibrated using the IntCal20 calibration curve... -
Stable isotope (δ18О, δ2H and dexc) from ice wedges N7 of Batagay yedoma
δ18О, δ2H and dxs values in Ice wedge 7 from Batagay yedoma, ice selection from a depth of 1-12.8 m (239-227.2 m abs. height). -
Stable isotope (δ18О, δ2H and dexc) from ice wedges N5 of Batagay yedoma
δ18О, δ2H and dxs values in ice wedge 5 from Batagay yedoma, ice sampling from a depth of 9.1-17 m (273.9 - 266 m abs. height). -
Stable isotope (δ18О, δ2H and dexc) from ice wedges N3 of side Batagay yedoma
δ18О, δ2H and dxs values in ice wedge 3 from Batagay yedoma, ice sampling from a depth of 5-10 m (320-315 m abs. height). -
14C AMS dates of unidentified organic material from the ice wedges of Batagay
(a) The resulting 14C ages were calibrated using the IntCal20 calibration curve (Reimer et al., 2020) and the Oxcal version 4.4.4 program (Bronk Ramsey, 2021). (b) Ages were...