Consumer behavior at sale point and consumption according to strawberry quali...
This dataset gathers 19 files containing all the data presented in the scientific article entitled Consumer behavior at sale point and consumption according to strawberry... -
[Ergänzungsdaten zu: Settlement development and food supply in the hinterland...
Digital supplements on the SIMFOOD model, diverse modelling examples and the data used as Excel files and PDF files. -
Outputs from wave-resolving 2DV Lagrangian simulations of microplastic transp...
As part of the PLASTICBEACH project (EC2CO), an advanced modeling framework combining the SWASH wave model and the TrackMPD Lagrangian transport model was employed. The... -
EUDAT D8.4: Initial Service Prototypes
This document presents the evolution and current status of the proof of concept prototypes for the Generic Execution Framework (GEF) extensions and semantic services. These... -
GRISLI 2.0 sensitivity experiments for the Antarctic ice sheet
Here we present the sensitivity experiments are conducted with the latest GRISLI version 2.0 (Quiquet et al. 2018), to model changes of the Antarctic ice sheet between 100 ka... -
Data to carbon cycle model simulations for the late Pleistocene by considerin...
The global carbon cycle box model BICYCLE is enhanced by a process-based sediment module and the consequences from prescribed fluxes of volcanic outgassing, carbonate and... -
Model output of organic binding of iron and biological productivity from REco...
The global marine iron cycle has been modeled using REcoM2 (Regulated Ecosystem Model 2) coupled with the ocean circulation model MITgcm (MIT General Circulation Model). A... -
Marine20 - the marine radiocarbon age calibration curve (0 - 55,000 cal BP), ...
The concentration of radiocarbon (14C) differs between ocean and atmosphere. Radiocarbon determinations from samples which obtained their 14C in the marine environment therefore... -
[Ergänzungsdaten zu: Settlement development and food supply in the hinterland...
Digital supplements on the SIMFOOD model, diverse modelling examples and the data used as Excel files and PDF files. -
Models and analyses for the cost-effectiveness of integrated maternal HIV, sy...
Background The World Health Organisation (WHO) developed a comprehensive framework encouraging an integrated approach to achieve triple elimination of vertical transmission of... -
Policy Brief: Harnessing the power of mathematical models for better policy d...
This brief sets out four practical recommendations to help policymakers across a wide range of policy areas effectively capitalise on, and sidestep pitfalls of, using... -
Internal wave-driven mixing and geothermal heating for NEMO
This dataset contains seven netcdf files that can be used, inter alia, to run the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) model with a parameterization for internal... -
Replication data for "Combining single-gene-resistant and pyramided cultivars...
R code for reproducing the analysis, results and figures presented in the article: Zaffaroni, M., Papaïx, J., Rimbaud, L., Geffersa, A. G., Rey,J.-F., Fabre, F. 2024. Combining... -
Data to "The role of the sewer system in estimating urban emissions of chemic...
Dataset related to peer-reviewed article. Date: 2022-10-23 Date Submitted: 2023-08-08 -
Fall-, rese-, socioekonomisk och meterologisk data för att analysera socioeko...
Collection of socio-economic and meteorological indicators as well as travel patterns and cases of H1N1 during the swine flu pandemic in Sweden in 2009. Comprise the... -
Copernicus Climate Change Service, Klimatreanalyser
Climate reanalyses combine past observations with models to generate consistent time series of multiple climate variables. Reanalyses are among the most-used datasets in the... -
Foraging data to model energy acquisition and requirements of sperm whales (P...
Information on foraging behaviour is critical for modelling estimations of energy acquisition and requirements of top predators and consequently to predict how animals will be... -
TANGO - Dataset 1 - Genomes, metatranscriptomics, targeted metabolomics and m...
This dataset comprises all results concerning biochemical quantification and sequencing data of semi-hard cheeses sampled throughout making and ripening. -
Results of systematic literature review of terrestrial and marine depredation...
We conducted a systematic review of published studies using modelling to study terrestrial and marine depredation. Depredation is the behaviour developed by wild animals when... -
Etude 4pour1000 : BANCO simulation data for publication of the article "A Mar...
input data and simulation outputs of the BANCO model : cost effective allocation of the net abatement effort. Simulations made for the article revision submited to JCP....